Teaching of Translation
This Chapter Deals with
Meaning and Definition of Translation
Types of Translation
Problem faced by Translator
Functions of Translation
Principles of Teaching Translation
Translation Exercise
Suggestions regarding teaching Translation
Introduction: Translation is one of the oldest and traditional methods of teaching foreign language such as English with the advent of other methods like direct method, Structural approach and Situational method, this method has lost its significance. However, some methods of teaching English do allow partial use of translation. In India, even today translation exercises are used in schools. Translation skills involve higher level of understanding of one language and a good command of another language.
Meaning and Definition of Translation: Various scholars have given the meaning and definition of translation. Some of the definitions of translation are as given below-:
According to Findlay, “Translation is the search for synonym”
According to Chambers Dictionary, “Translation is rendering into another language”.
From the above scholar’s definition, we can define that translation is the meaning of English words or phrases and sentences, taught by means of word for word into the mother tongue. Translation can be used as a method and as a skill also. Translation is, “Rendering from one language into another without having lost of its spirit.”
Types of Translation: Translation of the language is done word to word or the sentence is translated to convey the meaning. It can also be oral or written. Oral translation can be from the prepared text, or it can be extempore the kind of which we see being used by the interpreters. For the beginners, translation should be attempted from the mother tongue to the target language. Undertaking translation from the target language to the mother would hinder learning process.

Translation can also be done in the following ways-:
v  From English to mother tongue.
v  From mother tongue to English
v  Retranslation-: it means from English to mother tongue and vice versa.
v  Oral translation.
v  Written translation.
Problem faced by Translator: A translator is likely to face the following kinds of problems in the course of translation:
v  Difficulty in archaic colloquial and slang expression: A great problem can be faced by the translator is rendering archaic, colloquial and slang expressions into another language because there is every probability of their not being present.
v  Difficulty in Poetry: Because of the adornments or subtle expressions a poet uses. Translation of Poetry from one language to another language is susceptible to failure more than success. Be it Surdas or Shakesphere, the problem would remain the same. Rhyme would certainly suffer of the meaning or spirit has been retained at the cost of a great labour.
v  Difficulty due to several dialects: Every language has several dialects, so has Hindi or English. Finding equivalent to the dialectical terms in the related language. For example-: finding equivalent terms for a Oriya phrase into Hindi, is difficult. So is the case with English dialects where several versions are available within the boundaries of England alone.
v  Difficulty due to style: Style generally belongs to a specific writer, it is a very difficult to translate it into another language. Being personal in nature, it is marked with individualism.
Functions of Translation: The various functions of translation are enumerated below-:
Ø  It brings out difference of syntax in English and mother tongue.
Ø  It serves as an exercise in comprehension.
Ø  It helps in learning English as a second language by understanding it differences from the mother tongue.
Ø  It helps in explaining the differences between the direct and indirect forms of speech.
Ø  It helps in understanding the grammatical constructions of the English language.
Ø  It helps in testing the knowledge of English.
Ø  Translation is an art. Champion has rightly remarked, “Something a great value will have been lost if the pupils are not trained in the different parts of rendering one language to another.”
Ø  R. N. Tagore has said in favor of retranslation, “If we give them a passage from a good English another and ask them to translate it, the inherent difference between the two languages becomes quite evident from the very beginning. Now when they translate it back into English, they naturally follow the Bengali form and at that time if his English is corrected by carefully comparing it with the original passage, the peculiarities of the English style will effectively be impressed on the minds of the pupils.”
Principles of Teaching Translation: Teaching of translation is based on the following principles-:
v  Translation should not be literal. Hence, stress should be laid only on the translation of ideas. For example-: articles and prepositions can not always be translated word by word.
v  At the early stage, oral translation should be stressed. At the middle and high school stages student’s translation should be compared with original pieces.
v  The passage set for translation should be in accordance with the pupils’ vocabulary and their knowledge of grammar.
v  At the middle and high school stages, oral translation should always precede written translation.
v  At the time of oral translation the teacher should explain the pattern of sentences and their grammatical construction.
v  At middle stage, different kinds of sentences involving the use of different pronouns and tense should be set for translation into English.
v  At the high school level, simple stories and continuous passage should be set for translation.
v  The teacher should guide the students properly about how to break the text into smaller units without losing on the spirit of the original language.
v  The students should be able to ask to attempt retranslation, as it would enable them to see their shortcomings in the language.
v   Attempts should be paid to the similar and variant aspects of sentence patterns and constructions.
Translation Exercise: In translation, the following types of exercise can be followed-
v  Sentence with direct and indirect narration.
v  Sentence with active and passive voice.
v  Sentence with relative pronouns.
v  Structure and sentence with comparative and superlative degree.
v  Structure and sentence with different types of sentences.
v  Idioms and phrases.
v  Translating a passage from English to mother tongue and vice-versa.
v  Structures and sentence with be verbs.
v  Structures and sentence with modals.
Suggestions regarding teaching Translation: Various suggestions for teaching translation are as given below-:
v  Literal translation must be forbidden except in special cases.
v  The material for translation should be selected and graded.
v  The passage of translation should be according to the capacity of Knowledge of grammar of the students.
v  Stress should be laid on the translation of ideas.
v  Ample practice in the grammar of the mother tongue and the target language should be provided to the students before serious translation is attempted, so that better understanding prevails.
v  Practice should be provided for retranslation so that the students can understand their weakness in the target language.
v  Inductive methods should take to deductive method when translation is attempted.
v  The students should be taught to break the text into smaller units before translating so that they do not break the spirit and originality of the language to be translated.
v  Pattern of the mother tongue and English should be compared and contrasted to give an insight into the language.
v  When new words are introduced they should be helped with a glossary.
v  Important should be given on reading and re-reading because it helps the translator in deducing the spirit, style and subtle expression.
Conclusion: The use of translation is criticized by experts and scholars, such as “translation recalls the language of the mother tongue and is, therefore, an obstacles to the learning of the foreign language.” but such criticism only overlook the significance of translation in the present modern world which is shrinking in the face of latest inventions and discoveries, and not learning translation would amount to remaining aloof from it. Translation is quite useful as it is a tool of English as a second language. The skill of translation is being increasingly realized by one and all in the field of multilingual or international trade, Diplomacy Corporation and other relations. It is a complex skill involving high level of understanding of the two languages from which and into the translation is to be done.  



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