–its nature and importance in Human Life
This Chapter Deals with
Meaning of language
of language
Characteristics of Language
Kinds of Language
Branches/Parts of Language
Nature of Language
Importance of English Language in India
Functions of English Language
Linguistic Principles of Language
Introduction: Language is the divine gift of God. Language is an
essential part of human life. It is the language which distinguishes human
beings from animals. Every language is the pride of the people who use it. Only
for language, man is called as a talking animal. Without a language, human
society is totally unthinkable. It is the only means of communication of
thought and ideas either in speech or writing. It is also the life and blood of
our culture. Through language, a person can win the heart of others. It also
helps a person in the development of his personality. After all man is man
through language alone.
Meaning of language: Etymologically the term “Language” has been derived from the
Latin word “lingua” which implies tongue. French word “langua” and “parole” is
also related to language. Langua is a specific form of speech which is
conventional and belongs to a particular community. For example -: In India we
have language like Punjabi, Oriya, and Bengali…..etc.
A language is means or
vehicles for communicating ideas, thoughts, feelings, experiences and emotions.
Language consists of letters / alphabets, words, idioms, and syntax and it is
through language that we learn to think, feel, imagine, judge and express. Language
is one of the most important forms of human behavior, which every one shows from
birth to death. Language is verbal as well as non-verbal. Verbal language is
used for expressing ideas and experiences, where non-verbal language is used
for giving direction.
Definition of language
is a means of communicating thoughts”
is a means of social control”
is a social activity rather than a means of individual self expression”
: By Allen
is the instruction whereby human communicate and interact each other by means
of habitually used oral-auditory arbitrary symbol”
: By
R.A. Hall (1964 )
and feelings are the realizations but when these are revealed through mouth is
known as language”
: By Plato
reveals ideas and feelings through meaningful sound of words”
: By Sweet
Characteristics of Language: On the account of the above definition, the
characteristics of the language are as given below:
● Language
is not inborn rather it can earn and learn.
Language is acquired by the people from the people or society.
Language is based on social control and environment.
Language is conventional, traditional, and a result of evolution.
Language is dynamic in character.
Language is not complete in its form.
Language is universality in character.
Language is unique.
● Language
goes from simple to complex and from synthesis to analysis.
● Language
is verbal and non-verbal.
● No
two language are alike as they grow in different cultural background.
● Language
is a vehicle for communicating our ideas.
● Language
is a God given gift.
Language is primarily a speech.
● Language
is science where literature is an art.
● Language
is a skill because it required maximum practice.
● Language
is for communication.
● Language
is oral and written.
● The
system of language is arbitrary.
● Language
is the property of the people and the society.
Kinds of Language: On the basis of Historical, Cultural, Geographical,
Experimental and Originator of language, it may be classified in the following
categories- :
Sub- Dialect, Local Dialect or regional language: It is not at the level of literary language. The differences
between language and dialect are like the difference of mountain and hill.
Code Language: It
is secreting language. The meaning of this language is only confined within the
encoder and decoder, the speaker and the listener. It is not open to all.
Mixed Language:
Combination of so many language and dialects. As per example- the language used
by the people of Palwal, Haryana. Their language is considered as a mixed
language because their spoken language is affected by the people of Rajasthan,
Haryana, and Utter Pradesh.
Commercial Language:
The language which is used or varied from profession to profession is called as
a professional or commercial language.
Mother Language:
When the child born, he does not know any language. He first learns language
from his parents by imitation which is called as mother language or first
Foreign Language:
When a language migrated from one country to another country is called foreign
language. As per example English is consider as a foreign language for the
Indian peoples.
International Language:
The language which is used by all the people in the world is called as an
international language. English is a language which is used in all over the
world, so for that it is consider as international language.
Ideal Language: It
is a literary language.
Branches/Parts of Language: There are five
main parts of the language which are discussed in the followings-:
Syntax: This part
of the language is only revealed or related to sentence construction.
Morphology: This
is one of the parts of the sentence having the use of noun, pronoun, adjective,
verb, adverb, conjunction, prefix and suffix etc.
Wordology: Word
formation is learnt in wordology.
Semantic: It is
the soul of language which is related to the meaning of the language. It
typically focuses on the relation between signifiers, such as words,
signs and symbols, and what
they stand for. Linguistic semantics is the study of meaning that is used by
humans to express themselves through language. Other forms of semantics include
the semantics of programming languages, formal logics, and semiotics.
Phonetic: Phonetics is a
branch of linguistics
that comprises the study of the sounds of human speech. It is concerned with the physical properties of speech
sounds (phones): their physiological production,
acoustic properties, auditory perception, and neurophysiologic status. Phonology,
on the other hand, is concerned with abstract, grammatical characterization of
systems of sounds. In contrast to phonetics, phonology
is the study of how sounds and gestures pattern in and across languages,
relating such concerns with other levels and aspects of language. Phonetics
deals with the articulator and acoustic properties of speech sounds, how they
are produced, and how they are perceived. As part of this investigation,
phoneticians may concern themselves with the physical properties of meaningful
sound contrasts or the social meaning encoded in the speech signal (e.g. gender, sexuality,
etc.). However, a substantial portion of research in phonetics is not concerned
with the meaningful elements in the speech signal.
Nature of Language: Knowing the nature of someone is important if we want to
have understanding of him. Similarly knowing the nature of language is a must
for learning the language. By knowing the nature of language, we can fix of our
aims of learning that language. It is very difficult to explain the nature of
language because the question about the definite origin of language still
remains unanswered. The above mentioned characteristics and definitions put
forth the nature of language in the main terms given below---:
Language is learnt:
Language is no way an automatic process
but it is learnt. The child does not know any language, when he borns. He
begins learning of language by making various sounds like ba-ba, ma-ma, pa-pa,
da-da … etc. This he dose by imitation. Gradually, the child learns the words
and grammatical construction of his native language. Thus the nature of
language is acquired not inborn.
Language is a system:
There is a system in a language as like
the system in our body. The system of the body functions through different
organs such as the heart, lungs, brains, ears, eyes... etc. Similarly the
system in a language functions through sounds, words, and structures. They are
integrated with each other. Each language is a unique system and with the help
of it, meaning is conveyed.
Language is a system of systems : Language is, undoubtedly a system and also there is
system of systems which includes sounds, words, structures as body has blood
circulated system, nervous system, and bone structure system , if any system
fails to operate individually, the language will not be correct. As per
example--: when you are trying to express future time but there you have done a
mistake of using “ed” at the end of the
verbs, will not be understood properly.
Language is a system of symbols: A symbol is a representation of certain things. The
symbolic language will function well if its symbol is known to both the speaker
and the listener. Symbols are used while crossing the roads, while road signal
stands for- STOP and green signal stands for- GO.
The system of language is arbitrary: Here arbitrary symbol means there is no visual
relationship between the language and the object it stands for. As per example
in English the word “ BOOK “stands for a set of printed pages bound together in
a cover, but in Hindi, it is called “ PUSTAK “ or “ KITAB “ In Urdu. There is
no logical or scientific explanation why we call these words so. We call it
these so because it has been called so from earlier times.
Language is symbol and vocal: Different visual
and auditory symbols are used in language, as per example ---: Gesture, color
is visual symbols and beating a drum, ringing of bells are auditory symbols.
The Language is vocal because it produced by tongue. Language primarily is a speech;
writing is the graphical representation of speech.
Language is unique:
No two languages are alike in this world. They differ from each other in words,
sounds, and structures. The grammar which is true for Latin may not be true for
Language is a skill subject: Language is a skill subject because it required a lot of
practice in speaking, reading and writing of the language. As it is a skill,
without practice learning of language is impossible.
Language is for communication: All language are used for the purpose of communication.
A language is a means by which a person expresses his thoughts and feelings to
others. Without language communication is impossible.
Language is related to culture: Language is the product of culture from which it
belongs. Therefore there no equally exact words in any two languages. In short,
languages are different because cultures are different. As per example -: The
name of “ARISTOTLE” is also spelt in Hindi as “ARASTU”.
Language is not static: We live in a changing world. We cannot possible think in terms of
static state of affairs in language or anything else. In the 20th
century, the change in the vocabulary of science and technology is an
outstanding example of change in the language. For example in 16th
century the letter K was sounded in the words – Know, Knife, Knowledge but now
it is not sounded in the above said words.
Language is habit formation: Language is essentially a habit forming process. This
process is made up of habits and one requires continuous practice in the use of
Language is historical: Every language has a legacy. The tradition develops at social level.
This is a communal effort and not an Individual’s. Language is acquired. Man
takes the impression of language from society. Every rich language has its
history. Slowly and steadily, the language takes its form.
Language is a powerful tool: No doubt language is very powerful tool for human
Importance of English Language in India: Aristotle has called man is a social animal. As such, he
needs to communicate his feelings and thoughts. It is only through language
that he can communicate with his fellow beings. No doubt English is the
language of the English people. In India, it has dominated in teaching learning
programme from the beginning. English language occupies an important role in
India for the following reason-:
English is a link Language: India is a multilingual country; there are different
states with different regional language. English is a link language for interstate
communication. As per Example - : Without the knowledge of English it is not
possible for a Kashmiri to enter a dialogue with Bengali or a Tamilian. Though
Hindi is our national language, yet it has not been successful in replacing English.
English is working as a link language within the country as well as outside the
Educational Importance : No
doubt English has been the medium of instruction in the public schools,
technical, medical, law and other institutions. Higher education in science,
medicines, business administration, engineering, technology is not possible
without English. According to S.G French “anyone who can read English can keep
in touch with the whole world without leaving his own home”.
English is a library language: English is a library language, it is the key to the store
house of knowledge. It is the only language through which the maximum knowledge
can be imparted to the students. According to Prof. Gokak, “It was in the
English classroom that the Indian library renaissance was born”. A few words
from Kothari Commission report are worth quoting, “English as an important library
language would play vital role in higher education. No student should be
considered as a qualified for a degree, in particular, a master degree unless
he has acquired a reasonable proficiency in English”.
English is a language of administration: Almost at every field of administration in the state as
well as the centre we find that English alone is being used. It has been
declared to be the associate language of India. It has been the official
language in our country. The lawyer, the minister, the Governor, the clerks,
the officers…. All use English in their
daily office routine.
English as a passport to the Modern World: Now days the knowledge of English is mostly essential to
get employment in Government and private jobs. Without the knowledge of
English, it is too difficult for us for getting a job or a livelihood. Only for
this purpose there are many private spoken English institutes stand forward.
English as a window to the modern world: The study of English by Indians serves the purpose of a
window. In facts Pt. Nehru’s words “Our major window to the modern world”
regarding language are quite relevant. By the study of English we come to know
the progress made by people of different areas of life. Our country cannot
afford to close window because it gives us the true picture of the various
facet of life – Political, social, religious, cultural, agricultural etc. F.G
French rightly observed, “A traveler who can speak English will find somebody
who can understand him wherever he may go; anyone who can keep in touch with
the whole world without leaving his own house”.
English as a language of court: Even after sixty two year of independence, English
continues to be the language of court. In all courts from the Supreme Court to
the local district court all cases are presented and judgments are given in
English is a language of trade, Commerce, and Industry: All kind of work like maintenance of accounts and
correspondence in the field of trade, Commerce, and industry is carried out in
English. Efficiency and success in these fields depend upon an adequate
knowledge of English.
English is social life: English
is playing an important role in our social life. Sophisticated and educated section
of the society feels more comfortable and convenient for communicating in
English. Many words like Rail, Public, Engineer, and Mobile have been a
permanent part of vocabulary of Hindi.
Importance in Science and Technology: English is useful for Indians in multiple ways. It is
very useful to study science. All technical knowledge is in English. Science
subject cannot be gained well without English. Without English a Doctor and an
Engineer cannot have latest information and knowledge of new technologies.
Cultural importance: English
is a language which promotes universal brotherhood, friendship and tolerance.
Only through English language we are able to keep the different cultural groups
of India united. In fact, English has helped us in building new cultural
traditions. It has also resulted in the process of modernization of Indian
English is a international language: English is only one language which spread in all over the
world. It is the first language in UK. USA, CANADA and AUSTRALIA and the second
language in India. Africa, Russia, France, Pakistan etc. It promotes better
understanding and sympathy among different nations of the world.
English is important for national integration.
English is for International understanding.
English is the language of Journalism.
Understanding the western way of life.
English is being a education also.
English plays a vital role in politics.
Functions of English Language: Language is the foremost requirement of man, which plays
a vital role in the field of human beings. The use of language makes our life
easier and better. God has bestowed us with sense and the language is only the
means which helps us for expressing our senses. Apart from the role and nature
of a language in the experience of individual and community, language has many
functions. Language is a means of expression and the process of communication.
No language, no communication will take place. Animals other than man also
communicate with one another. They stimulate one another to action by means of
cries. Most of the animals utter cries that are expressive of fear, pleasure,
anger, revenge etc. The ways of communication are certainly different than man
because the man alone who uses language for communication. Language also helps
in developing our skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. There are
some important functions which are explained below….
Expressive Function: The
mind of human beings is filled up with some feelings, emotions, thoughts,
ideas, which he wants to share or express with somebody. Thus, language is only
the means which helps him in the process of expression. It also brings and develops
mutual understanding by expression. By expressing, a person can become a good
orator, a good poet and writer. Only through language, a teacher can able to
express or to impart knowledge to the student to have a desirable change in the
behavior of the students.
Informative Function: Without
language a person can never passing information to anybody. Language helps an
individual in giving information to others. In the classroom a teacher is
considered as a informer. It seems to be a difficult task of passing information
to the students without language. Thus, language helps to do so effectively and
efficiently and to do his duty properly. Thus language has an informative
function at all.
Directive Function: This
is also one of the major functions of the language is Stimulus-Response
function. As every response demands stimulus, more the stimulus results in more
response. In classroom---: teacher, In examination hall---: Superintendent, On
the way---: Traffic Police, they use language for giving direction. Thus the
function of language is directive also.
Interactive Function: Language
is not the one way communication rather it has both way communication which is
known as interaction. Interaction process is the means of development. The
seminars, conferences, group discussions, interview, meetings etc are organized
for interaction on certain issues and problems. Similarly a teacher in his
class always interacts with students for their development.
Communicative Function: As we have already say that the language is the means of
communication which do the work of a vehicle to transfer thoughts, ideas,
feelings, emotions etc from one to another in oral or written form. Daily news
paper, T.V, Journals, Magazines, Letters, Telegrams, Tele fax which are meant
for communication of events in speech or written form. So language has a
significant function of communication.
Preservative Function: language is boon for human beings. Language is preservative by nature
as an individual can preserve his knowledge, experiences, observations,
findings, ideas etc in written form. Thus this written or stored knowledge
which can be used by the coming generation. As per example--: We come to know
the detail history of M.K Gandhi from his biography.
Evolutionary Function: The advancement of country depends on its economic, social and
technological development. The evolution of the country is governed by its
National language. An advancement of a country is basically depends on its
language development. As English is an international language and window to the
world, which contributed in the evolution of the world.
Linguistic Principles of Language: Learning a foreign language is a difficult task as it
requires special part on the part of the learner as well as the teacher.
Therefore, language teaching should be based on some sound principles that
serve as a guide to the teachers in directing learners towards the attainment
of educational goals and objectives. Various principles of teaching have been
formulated which is based on the psychological, Linguistic and pedagogical
principles. These principles of teaching help the teacher in teaching foreign
language in a successful manner. In India English is taught both as a second
language and as a foreign language. It also occupies as a vital role in the
field of education. So, it is necessary for the Indian students that they
should not only understand English when it is spoken or written but also be
able to speak and write it. Therefore a sound knowledge of the linguistic
principles of teaching English language is needed. “A mother tongue is caught not taught, a foreign language is taught to
be caught.” In general, linguistic principles are the combination of two
wards, which is linguistic and principles. According to Advance Learners
Dictionary “the word linguistic principles which is related to the language and
the word principles means basic general truth that is foundation of something.
Thus linguistic principles which gives us insights about the language and helps
us to use of these insights in language teaching. There are many principles
which are found to be of immense help for the English Teacher which are given
in the followings-:
Principles of Habit Formation: H.E Palmer says “Language Learning is essentially a habit
forming process during which we acquire new habits” . Language Learning is a
habit forming process in which we develop speech habits. Habits are formed
through repetition. Therefore, continuous drill work and practice are needed
for it. For the development of four skills such as -: Reading, Writing,
Speaking and listening is depends upon continuous practice. Therefore the
teacher must give adequate drill and practice to the students because as we
know that “Practice makes a man perfect”. The English Teacher should therefore
make a conscious effort to drill the following habits in the students.
Listen carefully to
the sounds of English words.
To speak and read
with correct intonation pattern.
To read newspaper,
magazines, books and journals
To write in good
To spell correctly.
To use correct
grammatical structure during conversation.
To develop the habit
of consulting library
To consult
Dictionary, Encyclopedia and other reference materials.
Principles of Naturalness: A child learns mother tongue in a natural environment
created by the family members and the neighborhoods. Right from the birth the
child listen to his family members and other members of the society, but it is
not the case with the second language. He suddenly encounters the second
language in the school. Therefore, a teacher should try to create a natural
environment for the second language in the classroom by encouraging the use of
second language. According to JESPERSON, “The very first lesson in a foreign
language ought to be devoted to initiating the pupils into the world of
sounds”. Therefore it should be spoken in family and neighborhoods right from
the birth of the child.
Principles of Imitation: Imitation
is natural to man right from the birth of the child. Robert Paul says, “When we
learn first language we face the universe directly and learn to clothe it with
speech, when we learn a second language, we tend to filter the universe through
the language already known”. Language can be best learnt through imitation. For
the purpose of imitation the teacher should also provide good models of reading
and writing and also a teacher can also seek the help of audio-aids for the
purpose of effective teaching of foreign language.
Principles of Motivation: “You can lead a horse to water
but you can’t make him drink” Motivation
is the key of all success. Therefore for learning a foreign language, a teacher
has to make the teaching environment lively and interesting rather dull and
boring and he should deals with the situation in such a way that the learner
should become interested in the subject matter. A teacher should remove the
feelings of necessary evils among the students.
Principles of Mother Tongue: The mother tongue is always learnt easily because there
is a natural atmosphere for learning it. With the help of mother tongue we can
also teach a foreign language easily. This is also considering as a best method
for learning English in India, which is known as Bi-lingual method.
Principles of Oral approach: Listening and speaking is the basic skills of a language.
Teach listening and speaking first rather reading and writing. So, in the
teaching of English language, a learner should maximum connected with ears and
tongue than with eyes. Therefore the English teacher should provide more
situations for students to talk or speak rather than passive listener. So, in
teaching English oral work should be given top priority.
Principles of Selection and Gradation: No one can learn the whole language at a time. Learning
language is a difficult task for beginners. In teaching English, one of the
important task should be taken into consideration that how much language are we
going to teach the students and in what order. For this purpose selection and
gradation of the material is done. To ensure easy learning, selection and
gradation of basic sentence structure and vocabulary is essential which is
based on the principles of simplicity, usability and productivity.
Principles of linking with life: The principle of linking with life is very important from
the psychological point of view. Ryburn
has rightly said, “Life is a continuous experience. Everything we do is linked
up with what has gone before and with what comes afterwards”. Learning becomes permanent when it is
correlated with daily life experience. Hence an English teacher should teach
language structure by relating it to life, customs and traditions of the child
society. In this way teaching will be more effective and meaningful.
Principles of Purpose: Learning is purposive. Any work is done it is purposeful. Even a child
when shucking his thumb, his purpose is to satisfy his hungry. Similarly,
language is best acquired when it has commercial, social, scientific, academic
or literacy purpose. An English teacher should clearly specify the purpose and
utility of studying English in the initial stage so that the students are aware
of their aim.
Principles of learning by doing: This principle is known as activity principles. The
vital focus of language teaching is to develop the four skills - : Reading,
writing, speaking and listening. For learning of any skills and various aspects
of language learning such as words, phrases, sentences, idioms and grammar need
actual doing. Therefore practice and drill is essential in language teaching.
Model reading, imitation reading, silent reading, writing and spelling are the
essential activities for teaching language.
Principles of multiple lines of approach: In the Teaching
of foreign Language the multiple line of approach is of unique importance. It
should be followed as it helps the learners and the teachers in many ways. As
per example -: suppose we are going to teach about Present Simple Tense. First
of all there should be the practice of oral work. Then the pupil may be asked
for writing practice, translation and exercise etc. With the help of different
approaches, a teacher can able to make his teaching effective.
Principles of balanced approach: During the time of language teaching, a teacher has to
focus equally on the different aspects of language in order to develop a
harmonious teaching learning environment. There should be proper coordination in
teaching different aspects of foreign language. In teaching a prose lesson,
grammar aspects may be discussed side by side. While doing writing composition,
oral aspects should be covered. At the same time the teacher is also equally
emphasized on the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. By
correlating different aspects and skills, the teacher can make his teaching
easy, interesting and effective.
Principles of Concreteness: This principle is based on the maxim of “to proceed from
concrete to abstract”. The mental development of the pupil begins with concrete
objects. Hence the teacher should proceed by presenting object before words. As
per example while teaching adjectives the teacher should use the sentences like
-: the blackboard is black, Rohit is tall etc. By presenting concrete examples
and objects before students, a teacher can able to draw the attention of the
students easily.
Principles of Accuracy: The principles of accuracy and correctness should be
followed by the teacher because it is very important in language learning.
There is less chance of acquiring wrong habits while acquiring mother tongue
but this is not the case with second language. Therefore a teacher should
himself be accurate in his pronunciation, stress, intonation, spelling
structure and expression. The words with similar sound like‘s’ and ‘sh’ should
be distinguished. Pupils should be given enough drill exercise, so that they
may develop the habit of accuracy from the beginning.
Principles of maxims of Teaching: The Oxford Dictionary defines “Maxims” as a general truth
drawn from science of experiences. The maxims are universal and trust worthy.
The knowledge of different maxims helps the teacher to proceed systematically.
Some maxims of teaching English are as noted below -:
From known to
From simple to
From concrete to
From induction to
From psychological
to logical.
From whole to part.
From near to far.
From definite to
From analysis to
From empirical to
From actual to representation.
Principles of Individual Differences: This principle means that the individual difference of
the pupils should be taking into consideration. Psychological researches have
proved that two individual is not alike in this world. Hence each pupil is differing
from each other. In order to develop all the pupils and to get equal
opportunities, the teacher should impart proper guidance to the talented pupils
and sympathy to the backward pupils. The teacher should maximize the
development of all the pupils on the basis of individual differences.
Principles of Division: This principle says that the subject matter should be divided
into small units for presenting it in certain order. The division of the
content should be followed by the presentation in such a manner that each unit
should be seem to be complete in itself. One unit should create curiosity for
other unit. This process make easy to teach and easy to learn also.
Principles of Reinforcement: Reinforcement is concerned with making the learning
process effective. In learning process, reinforcement means -: utilization of
presentation or removal of such stimuli, so that the possibilities of response
is increase. As per example, If a teacher gives some reward to the pupils for
correct answer, it increases the possibilities of the similar behavior from the
Conclusion: English is used in many fields more than any other language. English is important
in India because most of the
higher education books are printed in English.
English is the third most spoken
language in the world. Knowing English increases your chances of
getting a good job in a multinational company within your home country or for
finding work abroad. It's also the language
of international communication, the media and the internet, so learning English is important for socialising and entertainment as well as work. English Opens New Career Opportunities. First and
foremost, learning English can
help you pursue and obtain more career
opportunities. These days, the job market is global—many companies need
employees who can communicate with partners and clients all over the world.
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