Teaching of Composition
This Chapter Deals with
Meaning of composition
Definition of composition
Prerequisites of Teaching Composition
Characteristics of Teaching Composition
Components of writing composition 
Aims and objectives of writing composition
Principles of teaching composition
Types of composition
Oral Composition
Written Composition
Guided Composition
Free Composition
Introduction: One of the aims of teaching English is to enable the students to express themselves correctly in spoken and written form. Development of writing skill is one of the major aims of teaching English. Hence, teaching of composition occupies a prominent place. It enables the students to describe incidents in written form. The teaching of composition is an integral part of teaching English at the earlier stage, middle stage and senior stage. It is a process of collecting thoughts and arranging them in particular sequences. It needs a careful and systematic practice in speaking, writing and reading. To be a free speaker and writer is the main purpose of teaching composition. A good composition must grow out of ones personal experiences. According to Thumpson and Wyatt, “The power of expression depends on the skill rather than knowledge.” To develop the skills of expression, teaching composition is of great value.

Meaning of composition: Composition means to express one’s own ideas and thoughts through words and sentences. Expansion of a line or a sentence into a few sentences and reduction of a few lines into one are important ways of doing composition. Composition is a advance state of learning to write on some topics of interest in a systematic way. Simple story writing, essay, letter writing, dialogue writing can be some of the form of composition. Etymologically the word composition has been derived from the word “compose” which means to put together. So, composition means the act of putting together words and sentences. Composition is oral as well as written. An old dictum, “the more you write the better you will write” was prevailing. Nobody took composition seriously. Teacher either gave spoon feeding to the students or they left the students on their own. However, the scenario has changed today the shift is on the composition based on day-to-day life and expressing the views in their own words. Students find use of their skill in composition in real life.

Definition of composition: The following are the definitions of composition which are given by the eminent scholars -:

Composition as, “It is the expression of child’s thoughts, his own ideas, feelings and observations. It includes both the process and product of composition. It refers to the process of collecting thoughts, arranging them in a rational sequence and ultimately expressing them in accordance with recognized standards of form. The product may take the shape of a letter, an application, a paragraph, a story, an essay, a descriptive or narration, a poem etc.”
Bhatia and Bhatia
 “The facility for expression must grow out of the earliest mechanical activity of sentence making the use of words.”
A.W. Frisby

“The power of expression in a language is a matter of skill rather than the knowledge, to develop the skill of expression, teaching composition has a great value.”

Prerequisites of Teaching Composition: A teacher should keep the following points in mind while teaching the art of composition -:
v  The topic for composition must be well selected. It should be according to the age group of the students and should be in conformity with the students’ interests.
v  Proper situation should be created by the teacher.
v  Freedom should be given to the students to speak freely and their mistake should be corrected carefully.
v  If necessary, the teacher may allow the students to use mother tongue.
v  Teacher must remember the fundamental principles of language learning, hearing before speaking, speaking before reading and reading before writing.
v  The students should have the sufficient knowledge of English language regarding vocabulary, structures and sentence patterns.
v  They should have sufficient ideas, thoughts and feelings so that they may in the position to compose these thoughts and feelings in his/her creative writing.
v  The students should have their mental development to that level in which they can arrange their ideas, thoughts, and feelings in sequence of writing composition.
v  They should be capable of ordering their ideas and facts in chronological or logical sequence.
Characteristics of Teaching Composition: The following are the main features/characteristics of composition -:
v  It is the fourth or last stage of writing composition-: structuring, copying, transcribing and composition.
v  Composition is an advanced stage of learning or writing process even without any help of the text.
v  Composition is the expressions of students’ thoughts, ideas, feelings, observations and experiences in written form.
v  Composition is the process as well as product. The product may take the shape of a letter, an application, a story, an essay, a description, a poem or narration etc.
v  Composition means to write on some topic of his own interest in a semantic way. Simple essay writing, story writing, letter writing, dialogue writing, writing a poem etc are some of the forms of composition.
v  In composition the main theme is communicated in a organized and systematic order.
v  Composition refers to the process of collecting thoughts or information arranging them in a sequence and expresses them in accordance with recognized standard forms.
Components of writing composition: The following are the components of writing compositions-:
v  Mastery over four skills -: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
v  Vocabulary and its usage.
v  Structures and their usage.
v  Correct spelling and pronunciation.
v  Correct grammar.
v  Punctuation marks.
v  Imaginative ability.
v  Creative ability.
v  Ability to organize the ideas and thoughts.
Aims and objectives of writing composition: The main objectives of teaching composition are as follows-:
v  To develop among students the power of expression and communication through oral and written.
v  To encourage the students to arrange their ideas in writing at a reasonable speed and accuracy.
v  To enable them to fix the structures and vocabulary already learnt by them.
v  To develop among students the communicative competence through writing.
v  To educate their thoughts and feelings.
v  To enable the students to express information in a way fit for grasp by the reader.
v  To set synchronization of thoughts and actual writing so that thoughts are not lost while writing.
v  To promote thinking in the students.
Principles of teaching composition: Some importances of teaching composition are given below -:
v  Principles of proper selection- : Only such topics should be selected which is of interest to the students. Topics should be relevant, meaningful and experience based.
v  Principles of proper gradation- : The topic selected for composition should be according to the age, back ground, ability and class of the students.
v  Principles of group involvement-: The teacher should involve the whole class so that they may exchange their ideas and views. This will help in creating motivation among the students.
v  Principles of utility-: The topic selected for composition work should be related to day-to-day life of the students.
v  Principles of oral practice-: Oral composition practice should be given to the students before asking them to write anything. This will reduce the chance of doing mistakes in the writing work.
v  Principles of sequence-: the subject matter of composition should have some sequence. It should not look disconnected collection of ideas.
v  Principles of timely correction-: It is important that the teacher should correct the composition work immediately so that the students will not commit the same mistakes.
v  Principles of follow up-: After knowing the difficulties and problems of the students, the teacher should find suitable remedial measures to remove their difficulties and mistakes.
Types of composition: There are two types of compositions-: (i) Oral Composition and (ii) written Composition and again they are sub divided into two types of composition in each type which is (i) Guided and (ii) free composition.

Oral Composition: It is the most important aspect of teaching English. It is the natural and proper preliminary to written composition at the beginning of the language learning. It can not be ignored because through oral composition students are able to speak English fluently and write correctly. They can express their interest, feelings, ideas, needs etc through oral composition. Oral composition precedes written composition. According to Laurie, “The habit of oral composition should be kept off during the whole school period.”
Aims of Oral Composition: The aims of oral composition are as follows-:
v  To acquaint the students with the usage of English language.
v  To enable the students to express their feeling and ideas.
v  To express their knowledge of English language.
v  To promote thinking in the students.
v  To create suitable situation in the classroom
Importance of Oral Composition: Oral composition has the following importance -:
v  Oral composition paves the way to written composition.
v  It develops spontaneity of speech among the students.
v  It creates interest among the students.
v  It helps in developing correct pronunciation.
v  It stimulates the thought of the students.
v  It teaches good spoken English.
v  It helps in developing vocabulary.
v  It helps in creating the classroom environment very lively and interesting.
v  It helps in developing confidence among the students.
v  It serves as a good diagnostic measure.
v  Language learning through this process is simple and more economical.
Teaching of Oral Composition: Teaching of oral composition in the early stage should be controlled be the teacher. The following methods can be used for teaching composition-:
v  Asking students to repeat the sentence.
v  Asking students a few questions by showing pictures, charts, models and regarding some objects or events.
v  With the help of substitution table.
v  Narrating a story and asking them to give a gist.
v  Through the discussion of simple topics.
v  The teacher may describe a picture and ask certain questions based on them.
v  By asking questions from the prescribed text book already taught.
v  The teacher can asked the students to play simple drama s or one act plays.
v  The teacher may have conversation with the students on various topics of general interest.
 For Examples: T- whose are sitting in the garden?                  
                           S- Dogs are sitting in the garden. 
                            T- How many dogs are there?
                            S- There are four dogs.  
                            T- How they look?
                            S-They look beautiful. 
Substitution Table-1

Takes breakfast
Takes bath

Substitution Table-2


going to school
Teaching of oral composition in the later stage should be controlled be the teacher. The following methods can be used for teaching composition-:
v  Through dramatization.
v  Through conversation.
v  Through dialogues, debates, speeches and extempore.
v  Descriptions of incidents.
Merits of Oral Composition: Oral composition has many advantages. They are-:
v  It is economical. It saves time.
v  It enables the students to think clearly.
v  It develops the speaking ability in the students.
v  It develops interest in the students.
v  It lays the foundation for written composition.
v  It stimulates the imagination of the students and helps them to reproduce stories.
v  It develops the power of concentration among the students.
Demerits of oral composition: It criticized due to the following demerits
v  Classroom environment becomes noisy.
v  It does not help in writing ability.
v  It is not suit for those who are of shy nature or have inhibitions to speak.
Written Composition: It helps the students to express their ideas in written form. It is the next step after oral composition. Written composition may be taught by transcription and dictation.
Aims of written composition: The aims of written composition are -:
v  To develop communication power among the students through writing.
v  To enable the poet to write legibly.
v  To encourage students to arrange their ideas and thoughts in a logical sequence.
v  To give them practice them in the use of language structure.
v  To enhance their vocabulary.
v  To motivate the students to express and write when put in a given situation.
v  To draw out the creative thinking of the students.
Importance of written composition: The importances of written composition are as given below-:
v  It develops spontaneity of expressing ideas in a written form.
v  It creates interest among the students.
v  It stimulates the thought of the students.
v  It serves as a source for development of vocabulary.
v  It teaches the skill of writing English.
v  Language learning through this process is simple and more economical.
v  It develops self confidence among the students.
v  It enables the teacher to diagnose the weakness of the students individually.
v  The teacher has enough time to rectify the mistakes of the students.
v  A written composition benefits those who are not good orators but can express themselves well in writing.
Teaching of written composition: In the early stage written composition can be taught by the following methods-:
v  By asking the students to copy from the blackboard.
v  By giving certain words and asking the students to make sentences using those words.
v  By asking them to write short stories in their own words.
v  By describing a picture, charts or model.
v  By asking the students to answer the questions related to their text book.
In the later stage written composition can be taught by the following methods-:
v  By giving them précis writing.
v  By asking the students writing to form sentences using idioms and phrases.
v  By writing an essay on a given topic.
v  By writing formal and informal letters.
v  By asking them to relate an incident.
Merits of written composition: The merits of written composition are as follows-:
v  It is useful for learning spellings, punctuations and language structure.
v  It develops writing ability of the students.
v  It develops the vocabulary of the students.
v  It helps the students to write essay, articles, and stories etc.
v  It enables the students to express their ideas and thoughts through written composition.
v  It develops the writing speed of the students.
Demerits of written composition: It suffers from the following disadvantages-:
v  It is lengthy process.
v  It is time consuming.
v  Written composition is a headache for the teacher who has to do a lot of correction work.
Guided Composition: Guided composition is also known as controlled and directed composition. It is usually introduced at the early stage as the students are not matured enough to write free composition. The teacher supplies the students with the necessary vocabulary and structures to be used for expressing the desired thoughts and ideas in writing. He guides the students what to write with the help of controlled vocabulary and structural words. Actually Guided Compositions are those written exercise in which utterances are already known to the students orally but they are asked to write them down. It should, however, be noted that the nature of the language control should be such that it would allow a gradual relaxation of control so that students could proceed from controlled composition to free composition.   The aim should be give direction. Guided composition can be done by the following methods-:
v  Transcription.
v  Transformation of sentence.
v  Reproduction of story, a picture description, a situation etc.
v  Completion of incomplete sentence.
v  Substitution tables.
Merits of guided composition: The merits of Guided Compositions are as follows-:
v  It paves the way to free composition.
v  It lays a strong foundation of grammar.
v  Students learn structures too.
v  Students learn vocabulary too.
v  The mistakes of the students can be corrected in the initial stage.
v  The guidance provided by the teacher can make composition writing very interesting.
Demerits of guided composition: The demerits of Guided Composition are as given below-:
v  Guided composition is mechanical for the students.
v  Unless the students understand what he is going to write, it is likely to result in an incorrect composition.
v  According to Allen and Campbell, “Guided composition is not a panacea for all the problems of teaching composition to foreign students. There is still much that needs further exploration and experimentation.”
Free Composition: It is called free composition because students are free to use vocabulary and structures of their own to express their views and thoughts related to a given topic. It is also called creative or imaginative writing. According to Champion, “The ultimate aim of composition is to enable the pupil to arrange his own way freely; to choose his own words; to express his own ideas freely.” French stated that, “ Free composition in which the child has to make up his own thought has no place in the first three years of a six or seven years course. If it is used, it will only result in a large number of most discouraging mistakes.”
Types of free Composition: The different types of free compositions are as noted below-:
v  Narrative writing.
v  Descriptive writing.
v  Story writing.
v  Essay writing.
v  Letter writing.
v  Application writing.
v  Precise writing.
v  Paragraph construction.
v  Paraphrasing.
v  Summarizing.
v  Dialogue writing.
v  Short paragraph.
v  Creative writing.
Importance of Free Composition: Teaching of free composition is important due to the following reasons-:
v  Free composition helps in logical thinking.
v  It explores the creativity and imagination of the students.
v  It enables the students to select, arrange and present their ideas freely.
v  It does not restrict the use of mother tongue. The child may first think in his mother tongue before he translates his thoughts in English.
v  It helps the students at the higher stage of learning.
Suggestion for effective teaching of Composition: The following suggestions are given for effective teaching of composition-:
v  The teacher should motivate the students for composition writing.
v  The teacher should help the students to remove their grammatical weakness.
v  The teacher must emphasize on clarity of ideas.
v  The topic selected for composition that should be related to the lives of the students.
v  The teacher should provide relevant ideas and also discuss it orally in the class before giving it to write.
v  All the principles of teaching composition should be followed.
v  The teacher should prepare the students before they write composition. P. Gurrey suggested the following preparations for writing a compositions:
A-: Oral composition
B-: Using picture
C-: Reading aloud
D-: Short speeches and lectures and
E-: Silent reading.
P. Gurrey further suggested the following devices for encouraging pupils to write composition:
         A-Energetic energy focused on well known details.
         B- Reading aloud to pupils from interesting books.  
         C- Encouraging pupils to collect information in various ways.
         D- Acting and Puppet-plays.
         E- Encouraging pupils to read more.
         F- Having general knowledge period once in a week.
         G- Having occasional talks on interesting topics.
  Conclusion: The students need the guidance of their teacher at every step. Even if students are given to remove their own errors, it does not finish the responsibility of the language teacher in any way. He has to see how far he has been able to encourage the students to correct their own mistakes. He should not sit idle by leaving the responsibility of correction entirely on the students. Writing is the skill aspects which the student has acquired through practice. The fluency of language shows creativity of the students. It has been observed that the methods applied for teaching composition in our schools are very defective. When the pupils are required to write a piece of composition they are only passive recipient. They show their passiveness by following teacher’s lecture blindly, instead of thinking or expressing their ideas creatively. Actually the very aim of teaching composition is to develop creativity and imagination amongst the pupils. Composition makes a person to express his feelings, emotions and ideas clearly and freely, hence satisfies the basic urge of human being to give expression to their ideas. As Bacon stated that, “Writing makes a man perfect”. So, with the help of composition one is able to express oneself precisely, accurately and efficiently.   



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