
Showing posts from June, 2020


CHAPTER: 07 Teaching of Translation This Chapter Deals with Introduction Meaning and Definition of Translation Types of Translation Problem faced by Translator Functions of Translation Principles of Teaching Translation Translation Exercise Suggestions regarding teaching Translation Conclusion Introduction: Translation is one of the oldest and traditional methods of teaching foreign language such as English with the advent of other methods like direct method, Structural approach and Situational method, this method has lost its significance. However, some methods of teaching English do allow partial use of translation. In India, even today translation exercises are used in schools. Translation skills involve higher level of understanding of one language and a good command of another language. Meaning and Definition of Translation: Various scholars have given the meaning and definition of translation. Some of the definitions of translation are as given


CHAPTER: 06 Teaching of Grammar This Chapter Deals with Introduction Meaning of Grammar Definition of Grammar Characteristics of Grammar Aims and objectives of teaching Grammar Present position of Grammar in the schools Types of Grammar Difference between Traditional and Functional Grammar Aims of Teaching Grammar Advantages of Teaching Grammar Disadvantages of Teaching Grammar Principles of Teaching Grammar Methods of Teaching Grammar                                      The Traditional Method of Teaching Grammar Inductive and deductive Method of Teaching Grammar Incidental Method of Teaching Grammar Informal Method of Teaching Grammar Grammar Games Introduction: Language is a vehicle by which we communicate our thoughts, feelings, emotions and experiences with each other but grammar is considered as a machine by which that vehicle is set in motion. Grammar is a theory of a language; it is the study of the organization of words into