This Chapter Deals with


Meaning of Audio Visual Aids

Definitions of Audio Visual Aids

Characteristics of Audio Visual Aids

Importance of Audio Visual Aids

Precautions While Using Audio Visual Aids

Types of Audio Visual Aids

Chalk Boards

Flannel Board

Bulletin Board


Lingua phone




Over Head Projector (OHP)

Films and Filmstrip

Advantages of Film and Filmstrip

How to use film and filmstrips

LCD Projector

LCD Projector Characteristics

Educational Uses of LCD Projectors

Slide projector

Language Laboratory

Components of Language Laboratory

Procedures of Language Laboratory

Objectives of Language Laboratory

Advantages of Language Lab

Role of English Language Teachers in English Language Communication Lab


Instructional Materials in Teaching English

 Introduction: English is spoken in different countries at different levels. In countries like England or the United States English is spoken as a first language. In countries like India and Pakistan English has come to be used as second language. English language occupied a significant role in all over the world. Learning a language is nothing but the development of certain skills. For the development of certain skills new inventions and innovations comes together in the field of teaching a target language. Now we are living in the world of science and technology where teaching of any target language like English demands effective and interesting way of teaching. One of the outstanding developments in the field of language learning in recent years is the increased use of instructional aids. B.F. Skinner comments that our kitchens are more mechanized than education. For effective and efficient teaching of English language demands the use of audio visual aids in the class room. The use of audio visual aids also helpful for a teacher to achieve our pre-determined objectives. With the help of audio visual aids a teacher can easily convey the concepts to the students. The method in the hand of teacher is not enough to make the teaching effective. The use of different audio visual aids is realized here not only to make our teaching learning process effective but also to motivate the learners to a considerable extent. There is an old Chinese proverb, “A picture is better than thousands of words”.

 Meaning of Audio Visual Aids: Instructional aid is the devices which are used in the class room to encourage and facilitate the learning. Audio visual aids are also known as teaching and instructional aids. It is a well-known fact that if we involve more sense organs, learning is better and the content learnt can be retained in the memory for a longer time. The audio-visual aids are classified into three categories-:

1.      Audio Teaching Aids (Ear)

2.      Visual Teaching Aids. (Eye)

3.      Audio-Visual Teaching Aids (Ear and Eye)


1.   Audio Teaching Aids (Ear): The audio teaching aids facilitate the hearing sense and encourage the listening functions. By using the audio aids the hearing sense is more active. The audio aids are used to realize the cognitive and affective objective of teaching and it is not helpful in achieving the psychomotor objective. Tape recorder, Radio, Gramophone, Telephonic conversation, Record player and language laboratory has been designed in the field of education for the purpose of teaching aids. These Aids produced only sounds.

2.   Visual Aids (Eye): The visual teaching aids are only related to the visual sense and it encourage seeing functions. It helps in achieving the cognitive, affective and psychomotor objectives of teaching. The visual sense is more active by the use of such aids. This sense is more active when the teacher uses maps, graphs, models, pictures, slides, filmstrips, microfilm, OHP, globes, puppets, comics, cartoons, and drawing during the time of teaching.

3.   Audio Visual Aids: Audio visual aids stimulate audio as well as visual sense and encourage listening and observing senses. This is more effective and useful than earlier aids because it involves maximum sense organs.

 Definitions of Audio Visual Aids: Different Educationists have spoken highly of the importance of audio visual aids which are of the followings-:


“Audio visual aids are any devices by means of which the learning process may be increased and carried on through the sense of learning or the sense of sight”

C.V. Good

“Audio Visual aids are those sensory objects or images which initiate or stimulate and reinforce learning”                                                                                                           


“The supply of teaching aids to every school is essential for the improvement of the quality of teaching. It should indeed to bring about an educational revaluation in the country”

Kothari Commission (1964-1966)

“The foundation of all learning consists in representing clearly to the sense the sensible objects so that they can be appreciated easily”


“Audio visual aids are supplementary devices which the teacher, through the utilization of more than one sensory channel, keeps to clarify, establish and correlate concepts, interpretation and appreciation”

Mcknown and Roberts

“Audio visual aids help benefit from planned experiences from persons, incidents, things and cause and effect relations”

Crow and Crow

“The eye is the most important gateway to mind. For the most people visual impression is the one which can be most easily interpreted, is the most lasting and relates more readily to other sensory experiences”

Dr. Summer

Characteristics of Audio Visual Aids: Audio visual aids have the following characteristics:

  1. It facilitates understanding and comprehension.
  2. It helps in memorizing the material for a long time.
  3. It helps in positive transfer of learning.
  4. It provides encouragement and reinforcement to the learner.
  5. It develops the perception and attention of the learner.
  6. It facilitates assimilation of the knowledge.
  7. It helps in developing retention power of the learner.
  8. It motivates the learners.
  9. It helps in achieving the objectives of teaching.
  10. It helps in standardization of teaching.
  11. It helps in making the teaching learning process interesting.
  12. It suits to all the levels of the learner.
  13. It is economical.
  14. It saves time.
  15. It is realistic.
  16. Its purpose is informative besides entertaining.

Importance of Audio Visual Aids: Audio visual aids have the following importance:

Audio visual aids are very important in the teaching of foreign language. It makes the teaching learning process more effective and interesting. Followings are the importance of audio visual aids in language teaching and in various subjects.

  1. Learning becomes functional.
  2. It brings novelty in teaching.
  3. Learning becomes solid, stable, concrete and everlasting.
  4. Appreciate for all the students.
  5. It brings reality in the classroom.
  6. Supplementary to the direct experiences.
  7. It develops the power of imagination and analysis.
  8. Helpful in bringing concentration of the students.
  9. Helpful for motivating the learners.
  10. More appropriate for overcrowded classes.
  11. It helps in imparting education related to life.
  12. Learning becomes more faster.
  13. Helpful in transfer of learning.
  14. Helpful in arousing curiosity.
  15. Helpful in providing adequate impressions or images.
  16. It brings changes in traditional methods of teaching.
  17. Expansion in curriculum.
  18. It meets the inadequacies of resources.
  19. It helps in sublimation of instincts.
  20. It helps in promoting scientific attitude.
  21. It helps in developing understandings of the learner.
  22. It reduces verbalism.
  23. It gives varieties and provides different tools in the hands of the teacher.
  24. It based on maxims of teaching.
  25. Energy saving.
  26. It helps in meeting individual differences.
  27. It promotes interaction in classroom.
  28. Helpful in developing various skills.
  29. Helpful in self-expression.
  30. Helpful in developing the ability of reasoning.
  31. Helpful in supervision.
  32. Helpful in fixing the knowledge.

 Precautions While Using Audio Visual Aids: English teacher has to know the precautions while using the audio visual aids in the classroom. The precautions for using audio visual aids are as given below-:

  1. It should be used according to the needs.
  2. Preparation of the background for using audio visual aids.
  3. It should be used when the subject matter is difficult to explain.
  4. It should be used when the subject matter is lengthy.
  5. It should be used when the object is not visible with our naked eyes.
  6. It is used when the object is too large to carry.
  7. It is used to explain the ideas in a better way.
  8. It is used for introducing a lesson.
  9. It is used for developing a lesson.
  10. It is used for interpretation an ideas.
  11. It is used for creating a real life situation.
  12. It is used in motivating the students.
  13. Variation in the use of audio visual aids.
  14. Removal of audio visual aids after displaying.
  15. Aids should not be used just for the sake of aids.
  16. The aids should be completely checked before using in the classroom.
  17. During the time of display of audio visual aids the teacher should not stand in front of it.
  18. It should be visible to all the students.
  19. It should be used at appropriate time.
  20. The aids used must relevant to the topic.


Types of Audio Visual Aids: Aids can be classified on the basis of senses they make use of. Thus aids can be classified into three parts which are already mentioned earlier. Now we highlight the most important audio visual aids which are used in our classroom for teaching English language.

Chalk Board

The chalk board is one of the most important aid in the hand of teacher in the field of education. The classroom without chalk board is looking like just a necked classroom. It is the cheapest instrument in the field of education. In past chalk board is used to teach mathematics only. But in modern age, its application has increased so much that it is not possible to teach any part of the content conveniently without the help of chalk board. Chalk board means a black wooden piece of large size. Its size is 72”*48. The chalk board is used while explaining the meaning of difficult words, correcting the pronunciation, telling and spelling etc. The skill of chalk board writing is helpful in making the lesson interesting and effective. The teacher can also use different colored chalks to draw the attention of the students. The chalk board is used for the purpose of developing the lesson, clarification, comparison, assigning homework, writing recapitulation questions, drawing graphs, pictures, and so many need of the classroom it fulfills. Hence by using chalk board, all the pupils can understand the terms, facts, events, pictures and summarizes etc. therefore the skill of chalk board writing should be developed within the pupil-teacher before the teaching practice.

Hints of proper use of black board: The teacher must be careful while using the chalk board. There are some hints of proper use of Chalk Board which are given below-:

v  The hand writing of the teacher should be good on the chalk board.

v  The chalk board should be neat and clean.

v  The teacher should write in bright letter on the chalk board.

v  The line of writing should be straight on the chalk board.

v  The size of letter should be reasonable.

v  The system of writing should be appropriate.

v  The speed of writing should be sufficient.

v  Sufficient distance between teacher and chalk board.

v  Use of pointer.

v  Use of duster.

v  Keep talking at the time of writing.

v  Erase the writing material on the chalk board in a systematic way.

v  Write from left hand side to right hand side.

v  Write only relevant things.

v  Clean the chalk board before use it.

v  When the chalk board is cleaned, then the teacher should write on it.

v  Communication should not be totally blocked at the time of writing.

v  Rub the written matter from the chalk board when the period is over.

v  The teacher should take extra precautions not to write anything on the chalk board.

v  Allow students to use chalk board.

v  Whatever is written on the chalk board should be well order and organized.

v  Having writing on the chalk board the teacher should stand aside so that the students can see easily what is written on it.

v  Make chalk board entries first after cleaned the chalk board.

Flannel Board

In modern age Flannel Board has the practical importance in the field of education. The Flannel Board is easy to prepare. It is not much costly. A wooden Board or Thick card Board is cut into an appropriate size and pasted on a flannel cloth very tightly. On it various pictures, maps, sketches and graphs related to subject are displayed. In order to display on the flannel board, sand papers are pasted on the back of the pictures and maps etc. After using them then it can be removed easily. These flannel boards can be used very conveniently. Hence every teacher should this device as the need arises Flannel Board is a wonderful aid in the hands of an English teacher who can use his imagination. The outstanding feature of the Flannel Board presentation is its flexibility. The flannel board presentation may be designed around any size board, depending upon the amount of material to be covered and the time allotted for the presentation.


Advantages and Importance of Flannel Board: The flannel board has the following advantages-:

v  It encourages the creative work of the students.

v  It is economical.

v  It saves time of the teacher while teaching.

v  It helps in understanding of the learner.

v  It brings variety in the classroom.

v  It helps in teaching the lesson in an attractive way.

v  It helps in developing the aesthetic sense of the students.

v  It is helpful in teaching vocabulary and spelling.

v  It is very convenient used in junior classes for the teaching of language.

v  It helps in drawing the attention of the students.

v  It helps in motivating the students.

v  It is very useful in storytelling.

v  Displayed can be removed easily.

v  It can be helpful in teaching oral composition.

v  The students are active by using the flannel board.

v  Recapitulation questions can be asked easily with the help of pictures displayed on the flannel board.


Hints for using Flannel Board: The following precautions should be taken into consideration for effective use of flannel board as it serves the educational purpose in an effective way.

v  Numbering the pictures as there is no lapse of any kind of pictures.

v  Trial should be made before using it in the actual classroom teaching.

v  Anything displayed, that should be related to the subject matter.

v  The quality of the picture should be of high quality.

v  The flannel board should be in appropriate size.

v  Pictures should be in different colors.

v  Too many items should not be used at a time.

v  If possible the materials should be prepared by the students because it will help in making them creative and they will be motivated.

v  Sand paper should be used for pasting the pictures.

v  Too many items should not be displayed at a time.

v  Items should be selected beforehand of the teacher.

v  Use of dark colors not light colors.


Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board is a very useful instrument in the field of education. it is a board of soft wood or cork. It is used for information regarding country’s political, economic and social problem with pictures, graphs, diagrams, articles and other necessary information are displayed. It is very helpful in expanding the general ideas of the students.

Hints for Use: The teacher should keep in mind the following points to take benefit from bulletin Board-:

v  It should be placed in some important place.

v  The material being displayed should be in accordance with the interest, mental level, age and ability of the students.

v  There should be opportunity for the pupils of displaying their collected materials.

v  It should be beautiful as a result it can easily draw the attention of the students.

v  The sequence of displayed materials should be in a systematic order.

v  The material displayed in the bulletin board should be large enough that the pupils may see it from a distance.



An optical projector that gives images of both transparent and opaque objects is called Epidiascope. It is an indispensable visual aid for the teacher or lecturer and is today the most popular equipment of its kind in use in colleges, universities, laboratories, training and research centre. It is a gem of Indian craftsmanship fabricated with multipurpose equipment serving as an epidiascope, lantern slide projector and filmstrip slide projector. The epidiascope is a type of opaque projector developed in the early years of the 20th century. Unlike the episcope or epidiascope, which has the ability to project opaque images only, epidiascopes, can project images of both transparent and opaque images. This quality made the device especially useful in educational circles for most of the century. The basic functionality of the epidiascope involved harnessing the power of light to create the images. In the earliest models of the epidiascope and other similar projectors, limelight was used as the medium. The light would be directed downward onto an object, creating the image. To focus the light and create a viable image, a series of lenses or mirrors would be used to direct the image onto a screen. While somewhat costly to produce at first, the epidiascope became more affordable as the device was refined. Along with commercial models, low powered versions were produced and marketed as toys for school age children. The term “limelight” is used to describe an oxycalcium light. It is also used refer to someone who is in the public eye, as a result of the widespread use of oxycalcium lights in theaters when they were first introduced. Actors and public officials are often said to be in the limelight, especially if they are facing heavy public criticism. Theater spotlights are called “limes,” a nod to the important role of oxycalcium lights in theater history. The intended usage of the word is usually clear in the context. An Epidiascope helps in projects books, pictures maps, diagram, stamps coins and other solid objects. Books and other objects are placed from where an area of 61/4" x 61/4" is evenly illuminated and projected over to the screen. Object of much large size like maps end charts can be projected in stage of 6 1/4" x 6 1/4".As a Slide Projector, it Instantaneous change-over from Epidiascope projection to Epidiascope projection by just turning a lever mounted to the right hand side, size of slides 3 1/4" x 3 1/4"; 2" x 2" can be shown with the Epidiascope attachment fitted with anastigmatic lens. As a filmstrip Projector, Quick-change over from slide adopter to filmstrip adapter by just loosening a screw on the lens adapter 35mm single double frame filmstrips and 3" x 1" micro slide are projected with this attachment fitted with lens (4" 100mm). Although fabricated with multipurpose equipment it is simple to operate, easy to clean and gives clear sharp focus. There is also Cooling System in it. One AC Motor Driven Blower for exhaustion of heat. All these factors results in absolute comfort for the operator and immunity from damage for projected material without tremendous light output


Lingua phone

Learning the English language is now seen as an essential part of a child's education and future prosperity. As the prime language learning years of children are those before and in pre-school, the earlier your child starts learning English, the faster and easier it is for them.   But with so many different children's English courses to choose from, how do you decide which one is best for your child? You certainly want to ensure you choose a children's English programme that uses a high quality, educationally sound product and is taught in a safe environment.  You also know that your child has a limited attention span and needs an enormous range of activities to keep him/her interested, motivated and entertained. The Lingua phone Institute was founded by Jacques Roston, a translator and language teacher who emigrated from Russia at the turn of the century and set up business in High Holborn, London. 


Methods of Using Lingua phone: The success of Lingua phone is based on the simple Lingua phone method of ‘Listen, Understand, and Speak.' You learned a language as a child using just this method, and you can learn a new language as an adult too. Irrespective of what course you are using the method will be built into the overall design of the course.

Listen: The audio parts of your course introduce you to listening to a foreign language at an easy pace. Your ears soon become accustomed to the new rhythms and sounds. Listening to a foreign language enables you to start thinking in the language and with a little imagination you can start to realise how you will sound in that new language.

Understand: The more you listen the more you begin to understand the tones and meanings of your new language. All the course components will help you to develop your comprehension of the new words and phrases you are discovering. Relating sounds to pictures will encourage you to understand exactly what is being said. Initially you will have an image and a word but very soon you will learn to associate the image with the word and construct the word's meaning. Over time, creating that image in your mind's eye becomes second nature and you will understand without conscious thought.

Speak: With Lingua phone you will start speaking in your very first lesson, imitating then later taking part in conversations. Listening carefully to new words and phrases will give you the confidence to imitate the sounds you have heard. With practice and repetition your speech will become more and more similar to the native speakers you hear on the recordings in your course. In the same way that understanding becomes second nature, pronunciation and speech also starts to be more natural as you become familiar with the new language. With each step forward, your conversational skills develop as you listen, understand and speak.

No doubt Lingua phone is one of the most useful audio aid for teaching English language. it is helpful in training speech patterns. It will helpful for the students to overcome their difficulties in their speech. And can give them adequate practice in producing English sounds correctly.

Conclusion: All the aids whether visual or audio, are effective in the class room. For teaching any target language the role of audio-visual aids is significant for making the teaching learning process more effective and interesting. All the aids are beneficial basis for learning and in creating interest and zeal in the students. In my classes I have already experimented that the use of audio visual aids has a great impact on the students and also it helpful in creating an effective learning environment. The Department of Teaching Aids (N.C.E.R.T) is pursuing programmes for the improvement of school education through the use of audio visual aid. A training course in Educational Technology is also being conducted by them to encourage the use of audio visual aids.


Radio is one of the important audio aids of these days. it can be used in a number of ways for language teaching. It can be easily utilized in classroom situation. It is an aid, which has something to offer to all forms of education. It is a source of knowledge and entertainment and it can be used anywhere. With the help of Radio we can develop the pronunciation ability of the students. It provides up to date knowledge, recent ideas and development. It also brings subject exports and other great man in the classroom. The young learner can be use independently to listen English news and other programme which are broadcast on the radio. The skill of listening and speaking can be developed through the radio. Creative learner may be encouraged to develop their own programmes and to take active part in writing scripts, planning programmes, acting and producing programmes. It helps in developing comprehension ability of the students. It is the cheapest audio aids in the field of education.



 Tape Recorders play a very significant role in teaching English language. It is a flexible, easily operated, conveniently transportable recording device that calls for the use of auditory senses to convey the educational message to the learner. No doubt it is expensive but very popular aid in the field of education. it can serve many purposes in teaching English. It involves two processes recording and reproducing the sounds. There are various control switches in this instrument like STOP, PLAY, RECORD, FORWARD, REVIEW which the teacher and students must know to operate tape recorder. In the view of S. R. Ingram, “If use intelligently, the tape recorder can help the teacher to provide a wide range of linguistic experiences, variety in material and a real stimulus to individual effort”. It is very useful tool for self-evaluation, self-criticism and self-education. It helps in developing the skill of pronunciation, spelling, listening, and also correcting mistakes and also it can be used for giving drills to the students.


Advantages of Tape- Recorder: Tape Recorder has the following advantages in the field of education, which are as given below-:

v  It helps in overcoming poor speech habits.

v  It is very helpful in learning language.

v  It is helpful in learning the art and the skills of various activities.

v  It is an effective aid for evaluating teaching learning programme.

v   It helps in recording the working of the various seminars, workshops and conferences organized in the institution.

v   It helps in developing health interaction.

v   It also helpful for a teacher for evaluating his own performance.

v   It can be used for teaching of dance and music.

v   It is very useful in bringing social awareness.

v   No fixed time is required for its programme like radio.

v   No interference in school time table.

v   The teacher can record talks related to different subjects like science, math, social science, literature etc.

v   It helpful for NRI students to record the lecture delivered in Indian classroom.

v   It helpful in various co-curricular activities.


Like Radio Television is also very important scientific achievement of 20th century. It is queen of audio visual aids and major means of mass communication. It plays an important role in the field of teaching learning process. It has revolutionized the lives of the people in the world. Due to its wide spread network, it has become a major sources of information and entertainment for a large number of people. No doubt in teaching English, TV has proved to be a very useful aid as it appeals to the sense of hearing as well as the sense of sight. in this way we can say that TV is necessary for the new education methodology system. There are various educational programmes introduced in India are-:

(i)     Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (SITE)

(ii)     Indian National Satellite (INSAT)

(iii)    Delhi Agricultural Television (DATV)

(iv)  Secondary School Television Project (STV)

(v)   Higher Education Television Project (HETV) of UGC.

Advantages of Television: Television has the following educational advantages-:

v  It helps in providing higher quality of instruction.

v  Reduce dependency on teacher.

v  Social equality of Education.

v  It is flexibility.

v  Use of the best available teacher.

v  Cost effectiveness.

v  It is very useful for in service teachers.

v  Combination of audio and video components.

v  Stimulation programme.

v  It is an agent of mass education and mass communication.

v  A large number of students can be given information at a time.

v  It is helpful in developing pronunciation ability of the students.

v  It is very useful in developing the expression ability of the students.

v  It is a time saving devices.

v  The students who are not able to attend the class due to some reason can watch the TV lesson at their homes.

v  The most difficult topic like Phonology, Morphology and syllabus can be taught more easily through the Television.

v  It provides equal opportunity to all the students.

v  Different educational problem can be easily solved with the help of educational programmes.

v  It helpful for the teacher to gather knowledge about the art of teaching.

v  It is easy to draw the attention of the students with the help of TV.

v  It is helpful in drawing the attention of the students.

v  Live telecast.

v  It is helpful in developing the professional growth of the teacher.

v  It can present the images of excellences.

v  Helpful in developing general knowledge.

v  It is helpful in making the difficult lesson to easy.

Demerits of Television: Television has the following demerits-:

v  It is only one way communication.

v  It is a costly affair.

v  It does not cater to individual differences.

v  It is not accessible to inter areas where it is required the most.

v  Insufficient viewing conditions.

v  Difficult to integrate.

v  Visual become a distracting in learning.

v  Its use not favorable for eye sight as the picture tube releases harmful radiations.

Over Head Projector (OHP)

The first overhead projector was used for police identification work. It used a cellophane roll over a 9-inch stage allowing facial characteristics to be rolled across the stage. The U.S. Army in 1945 was the first to use it in quantity for training as World War II wound down. It began to be widely used in schools and businesses in the late 1950s and early 1960s. A major manufacturer of overhead projectors in this early period was the company 3M. As the demand for projectors grew, Buhl Industries was founded in 1953, and became the leading US contributor for several optical refinements for the overhead projector and its projection lens. In 1957, the United States' first Federal Aid to Education program stimulated overhead sales which remained high up to the late 1990s and into the 21st Century. 


Over Head Projector (OHP) is perhaps the most versatile visual equipment in the gallery of audio visual aids. It is very useful visual teaching aid in the hand of the teacher. It is used for projecting images, charts, diagrams, a map of the transparencies on the screen. It helps in making the teaching illuminative, illustrative, and impressive. It has many use and considerable advantages as an instructional aid for giving instruction to the students in an effective way. It can be used in full day light as the projection is by means of transmitted light and not reflected light. It is a simple device consisting of a strong energy force, fixed mirrors, projection lens, and a platen. In it a written transparency is placed on a horizontal stage on the top of the light sources. This light passes through this transparency and then it is reflected at 90 degree angle on the screen on the back of the teacher. This projective equipment is also called as a magic lantern. The structure of OHP is showing below.

How to use Overhead Projectors: There are some tips for using OHP in an effective way.


Ø  The overhead projector is the oldest form of presentation technology available. Dating back to the 1930s, the overhead projector is easy to use, affordable and effective when used correctly. Put the overhead projector's full potential to use for your next presentation.

Ø  Transparencies: Purchase quality film for your presentation when using the transparencies on your overhead projector, as they will be used under high heat. Use a minimum of words to make sure your presentation looks as clean and concise as possible. Keep your sub-points to a maximum of six. If you have other points that you would like to get across to your audience, you can always hand out separate sheets outlining your additional points.

Ø  Practice: Nothing can be more embarrassing than errors occurring right in the middle of your presentation. To make sure you put your best foot forward, have a friend watch you while you do a few mock presentations using your overhead transparencies. Pay close attention to how your visual aids are being projected on the screen and eliminate any spelling errors that may be included in the copy.

Ø  Face the Audience: When using the overhead projector, many people tend to face the screen while giving a presentation. This can make your presentation seem less intimate and more detached from your audience. Make sure you know the material very well in advance so that you can face your audience and periodically refer to the screen during your presentation.

Ø  Bring Extra Bulbs: To stay ahead of the game, always bring a couple of spare bulbs just in case the old one burns out. You definitely do not want your projector's bulb blowing out during your presentation, and you surely do not want to get burned while replacing it, so make sure to bring a glove or cloth in case you have to replace the old bulb, as it will be extremely hot.

Advantages of OHP: Overhead projectors are familiar features in many classrooms and conference rooms. While the LCD projector is becoming more common, many public speaking venues still offer overhead projectors to illustrate key points in presentations. Because this form of technology is readily available, overhead projectors are quite inexpensive to operate. Many educational institutions have overheads in each classroom because of the low cost and the adaptability of overheads to any disciplin

v  It enlarges the image of the object on the screen.

v  It can be used in day light.

v  It can be used in a normal classroom.

v  It acts as a projector as well as a board.

v  It needs no maintenance.

v  It is not very expensive.

v  It is easy to handle.

v  The operation of an OHP is convenient.

v  It facilitates classroom interaction.

v  It is easily portable.

v  It is flexible and versatile.

v  It helps the teacher to demonstrate writing to the class.

v  It helps in developing vocabulary, word structures and sentence patterns.

v  It helpful in giving instruction to maximum students at a time.

v  Personalized presentation.

v  Hand made material.

v  Teacher can make the students more productive and situation creative in terms of their outcomes.

v  It helps the teacher to maintain classroom control completely.

v  It helps in drawing the attention of the students.

v  It helps in conduction of pronunciation drill.

v  It helps in arousing and sustaining pupils’ interest.

Disadvantages of Using an Overhead Projector: Overhead projectors are devices used to project images onto a screen. The size of the display is dependent on angle of projection and the distance between projector and screen. Overhead projectors are typically used in classrooms and conference rooms.

Ø  Resolution Problems: In order for a large classroom to see items clearly, the overhead projector needs to be at the perfect distance and angle. Panoramic views are very difficult to achieve and the inability to read slides can be distracting to observers.

Ø  Cost to Replace Bulbs: Overhead projector bulbs are expensive to replace. Average cost for a projector bulb at is $300. To purchase from, bulbs ranged from $150 to $400.

Ø  Transportation: Overhead projectors are large and bulky and usually require a cart to transport from venue to venue.

Ø  Displaying Material: Using an overhead projector, slides require constant writing and erasing, and book pages can be difficult to discern.

Ø  Outdated Technology: Overhead projectors are an outdated technology; it is much easier to create PowerPoint presentations and display them on a computer in full color using a regular projector.

Films and Filmstrip

Film and filmstrip are very useful aids for teaching English language. the film refers to the Celluloid material on which a series of still images are photochemical imprinted. This series of transparent images are projected with the help of projector on a screen. The sound is also accompanied with motion of picture. The film has more instructional value than any other audio visual aids. it is an expensive but very useful aid in the hand of a teacher. the most common format of film is 16mm.A filmstrip is a piece of non-inflammable safety film 35mm wide, varying in length up to 1 meter. The filmstrip is more flexible and it can be directly associated with classroom. They are used in a slide projector or a film strip projector. They are very useful for teaching grammar, oral and written composition and it also helpful in testing language skills. it is economy and the operation process is simple. According to Crow and Crow, “The film has educational importance because they express motion, develop continuity of an opinion or a function, fulfill the limits of human field and are uniform from beginning to end in presentation”.

Advantages of Film and Filmstrip: It has the following advantages-:

v  It is helpful in making the learning situation quite real and actual.

v  It is helpful in learning more.

v  It is helpful in motivating the learner.

v  Maximum use of the sense organs.

v  It helps in creating an interesting learning environment.

v  It helps in developing the imagination of the learner.

v  It is entertaining as well as educative.

v  It is helpful in teaching pronunciation and phonetic.

v  It is helpful in teaching stories, plays and novels.

v  It helpful in acquaint the students with life, Custom and culture of different countries.

v  Self-made educational programme can be displayed.

v  It reduces dullness.

v  Availability in varieties of subjects.

v  It is easy to transport.

v  It is non-tragic and non-inflammables

v  It brings variety in teacher.


How to use film and filmstrips: There are some hints for the effective use of film and filmstrips which are as given below -:

v  Film screened should be according to the age, ability and interest of the students.

v  It should be clear and audience.

v  The photography should be artistic.

v  The content should be educative and interesting.

v  It should be synthetic.

v  It should be helpful in development of the lesson.

v  The dialogues delivered should be clear in sound.

v  The room should be darkened at the time of presentation.

v  It should be checked before presentation in the classroom.

LCD Projector

An LCD, or liquid crystal display, is a projector that projects an image onto a flat screen. Light is sent through a special lamp that then separates the light into red, green and blue components for a video signal. This signal is then recombined and projected through the lens and onto a screen. It was invented by New York inventor Gene Dolgoff. He began working on it in college in 1968 as a way to produce a video projector that would be brighter than the then-available 3-CRT projectors. LCD projectors are beneficial in the classroom for many reasons. One example is for crowded classrooms during a special demonstration in areas such as science, art or technology. Teachers are able to use LCD projectors in their classrooms to enlarge dissections and experiments in crowded classrooms. LCD projectors can be used within the school auditorium during entertainment activities school and community wide. Movies can be displayed in an auditorium to benefit the entire school. Celebrations, such as graduations, can be broadcast in larger size using and LCD projector and screen. Teachers are also able to use LCD projectors within the classroom to display educational PowerPoint presentations, videos and also information directly from the Internet by using LCD projectors. This makes LCD projectors useful in day-to-day activities and lessons within the classroom.



LCD Projector Characteristics: LCD Projector has the following characteristics

Ø  LCD projectors are often used in home theaters for a big-screen movie effect. Other uses for the projectors include work presentations, school assemblies and classroom film screenings. These lightweight, portable projectors are classified by several characteristics, including resolution and contrast.

Ø  Aspect Ratio: Aspect ratio refers to the size of the screen. Typically, the aspect ratio for a projector is either 4:3 or 16:9, with 4:3 meaning that for every four units in width, the screen has three units in height. Most standard TVs have 4:3 while HDTVs offer 16:9. An aspect ratio of 16:9 is a good for showing DVDs, HDTV and Blu-Ray movies. However, 4:3 programming will appear somewhat small on the larger 16:9 screen. Conversely, 4:3 is preferred for viewing classic films, DVD versions of TV series and IMAX specials.

Ø  Resolution: LCD projectors vary in resolution. Typically, the higher the resolution, the higher the price. The resolution is often listed as two numbers, 1280 x 720, for instance, with 1280 the number of pixels in each horizontal row and 720 the number of pixels in each vertical row. Sometimes resolution is listed as just the number of pixels in a vertical row, such as 1080p. Common resolutions for LCD projectors include 1280 x 720, 1280 x 768 and 1920 x 1080.

Ø  Contrast and Brightness: Contrast is the difference between light and dark areas in an image. Better contrast produces a more detailed picture, which is especially important when viewing films. Using your projector in a darkened room will also produce better contrast. Brightness refers to the amount of light produced by the projector. When using a projector for presentations or other business uses, higher brightness (also called the lumen rating) is preferable. At home, images that are too bright can strain your eyes.

Ø  Throw Distance: One notable advantage of an LCD projector is that you can manipulate the screen size. You can watch movies at home in a large format or scale down the picture for a business presentation. This characteristic is measured by the "throw distance," or how far the projector can cast an image and the image's potential size. It's beneficial to calculate the throw distance based on room size. Throw distance is the distance from the wall or screen divided by the width of the image. Therefore, if an image is one foot wide for every two feet from the wall or screen, the throw distance would be two.

Educational Uses of LCD Projectors: LCD Projector has the following Educational Uses

Ø  Multimedia Presentations: Projectors with liquid crystal displays (LCDs) can be hooked up to computers to produce colorful multimedia presentations. LCDs are known for producing a spectrum of colors and shades using their own light source.

Ø  Classroom Uses: Anything available on an individual computer can be projected onto a large classroom screen or wall. Internet sites, Power Point projects, music videos, science lab instructions and math tutorials come to life at the press of a button.

Ø  Goodbye Tired Methods: As MP3s replaced CDs, LCD projectors are replacing antiquated methods such as slide projectors and overhead projectors. Modern students appreciate when a teacher ditches blurry and messy overhead transparencies in favor of clear LCD images.

Ø  Multiple Approaches: Using LCD projectors allows educators to reach students with multiple approaches. Students enjoy seeing, hearing and interacting with technology rather than simply reading a textbook or listening to a lecture.

Ø  Considerations: Other benefits of LCD projectors include their reasonable cost, size and portability. Projectors are small enough to be mounted in classrooms or placed on carts to move easily from room to room. LCD projectors have become affordable for schools with a limited budget. Students work collaboratively in groups and make their own presentations to the class. They can learn valuable social-emotional, technology and communications skills.

     Slide projector


A slide projector is an opto-mechanical device to view photographic slides. It has four main elements:

  • electric incandescent light bulb or other light source (usually fan-cooled)
  • reflector and "condensing" lens to direct the light to the slide,
  • holder for the slide and
  • Focusing lens.

A flat piece of heat-absorbing glass is frequently positioned in the mild direction between the condensing lens and the slide, to keep away from adverse the latter. This glass transmits seen wavelengths however absorbs infrared. Light passes via the obvious slide and lens, and the ensuing photograph is enlarged and projected onto a perpendicular flat display so the target market can view its reflection. Alternatively, the photo can also be projected onto a translucent "rear projection" screen, frequently used for non-stop automated show for shut viewing. This structure of projection additionally avoids the target market interrupting the mild move via casting their shadow on the projection or by way of bumping into the projector. Slide projectors had been frequent in the Fifties to the Seventies as a shape of entertainment; household participants and pals would accumulate to view slideshows. In-home photographic slides and slide projectors have generally been changed by using low price paper prints, digital cameras, DVD media, video show video display units and video projectors. It is additionally an increasing number of tough in some nations to stumble on picture processors who will method slide film. Several producers have stopped manufacturing of slide projectors.

Language Laboratory

Since the intricacies of learning a foreign language are immense and there is a needed to create a perfect environment so that the students can get the real feel of the language in its various manifestations, the need of a language laboratory is all the more. The language laboratory is a self-learning device and it occupies the most prominent place among the technical aids in language teaching.  Language can be easily acquired through drill and practice. Therefore, practical approach to language teaching serves useful purpose, language is also a practical subject like physics, chemistry, biology, geography, home science etc. all the skills of English language can be developed by the employee of language lab in teaching learning process. English Language Communication Skills Laboratory, a course for undergraduate engineering and technology students studying at colleges affiliated to the Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University, Hyderabad, India was introduced in August 2005. The main objective of the course is to develop students’ communication skills and send them for campus placement or recruitment. It would help not only for the rural and regional medium background students but also English medium students to improve their communication skills. Many students are in hesitation and worry to come on the dais to present a paper. This paper gives a detailed picture of the English lab syllabus, objectives and advantages to students by lab which make develops students’ communication skills in English, the problems of the students and the role of teacher in guiding students in the English lab. The language laboratory is an audio or audio-visual installation used as an aid in language teaching. They can be found, amongst other places, in schools, universities and academies. Language laboratories in the 1970s and 1980s received a bad reputation due to breakdowns. Common problems stem from the limitations and relative complexity of the reel to reel tape system in use at that time. Design played a part too; the simplest language laboratories had no electronic systems in place for the teacher to remotely control the tape decks, relying on the students to operate the decks correctly. Many had no way to stop the tape running off the reel in fast rewind or forward wind, which meant time wasting and greater chances of failure through misuse. The Language Laboratory is used for language tutorials. These are attended by Preparatory Course students and students who voluntarily opt for Remedial English classes. Lessons and exercises are recorded on a weekly basis so that the students are exposed to a variety of listening and speaking drills. This especially benefits students who are deficient in English and also aims at confidence-building for interviews and competitive examinations. The Language Laboratory sessions also include word games, quizzes, extemporary speaking, debates, skits etc. These sessions are complemented by online learning sessions which take place in the Multi-Purpose Computer Lab.


Components of Language Laboratory: A language laboratory has the following components for the smooth functioning of the lab-:

v  A large room with due provision of chairs and tables.

v  chalk board

v  Bulletin board.

v  Instructors table, chair and lockers.

v  Shelves for keeping subject books and periodicals.

v  Cabinets to secure pictures, maps, records, figures, charts etc.

v  Radio, tape recorder, television.

v  Films, film cabinets, projector screens etc.

v  Duplicating machine.

v  Various kinds of measuring figures, records, globes, graphs, charts, model, atlases, diagrams etc.

Sections of language laboratory: A language laboratory has the following three sections which are given below -:

(i)                 Hearing Booth

(ii)               Instructor room

(iii)             Control Room

v  Hearing Booth: a language lab has near about 20 hearing booth. each booth is designed with a table, a chair, a telephone connected with advisor’s booth, ear phone and switches for selecting the tape from the control room for playing, recording, stopping and rewinding the tape.

v  Instructors Room: It is a control centre where the instructor’s equipment’s are located. it has the following switches-:     

v  Distribution Switches: its function is to direct the recorded programme to the selected student’s booths.

v  Monitoring Switches: It enables a teacher to listen to the students so that he can correct the linguistic error.

v  Intercom Switches: It permits a two way conversation.

v  Group call switches: It is used to make announcements to all the students who are listening to a particular tape.

v  All call Switches: It is used for making announcement to all the students in the laboratory.

v  Control Room: It consists of tapes, records and other equipments of language laboratory which are properly kept for the use of students.


Procedures: There are mainly two steps which are given below-:

Step-1: The teacher plays the master tape.

Step-2: The students listen to the tape and makes oral responses which are recorded in his booth. He should determine whether he needs to repeat or to go forward.

In this, the speech drill follows the following orders-: In this the speech drill, the master tape is recorded on one of the tracks and the student’s responses recorded on the other. The material on the master tape has pauses left it which give him enough time to respond. In playing back the students listen to the original material and also his own recording responses. In both recording and re-recording by the student, the master track remains untouched and can not be recorded over. This type of programme is normally use in the initial stage for correcting pronunciation.


Master Track





Student Track






Objectives of Language Laboratory

v  To help the students cultivate the habit of reading passages from the computer monitor, thus providing them with the required facility to face computer-based competitive exams.

v  To expose the students to a variety of self-instructional, learner-friendly modes of language learning.

v  To enable them to learn better pronunciation through stress on word accent, intonation, and rhythm.

v  To train them to use language effectively to face interviews, group discussions, public speaking.

v  To initiate them into greater use of the computer in resume preparation, report writing, format-making etc.

v   To maintain good linguistic competence- through accuracy in grammar,    pronunciation and vocabulary.

v  To enrich the discourse competence, to prepare the learner to be able to produce contextualize written text and speech.

v  To acquire strategic competence to use both spoken & written language to use in a wide range of communication strategies.

Overall it will help in getting jobs in companies for engineering students; they should have communication skills in English. The student’s communication skills are noticeable in an interview by the panel of judges. Students can easily learn English by using the communication lab which helps them to speak with exact pronunciation. Many students in India have lack of communication skills in English. Even though they are good at English, their stage fear and poor body language make them outside from the companies. Some people may be good at communicating through writing but they may have problems speaking in front of an audience. Some may be good at interpersonal communication, but may not feel comfortable making presentations.

Advantages of Language Lab

v  Language Lab provides all learners, no matter where they are seated in the room, equal opportunity to hear the instructor and to be heard by the instructor. Each learner can listen to the lesson material at a level set by the Instructor. Learner can receive only the lessons assigned by the Instructor. None of the lesson material is misheard due to the direct nature of the sound transmission heard by each learner via his or her individual headset.

v  We know that listening skill is very important aspect in language learning. Language lab helps learners to develop good listening skills. Learners hear the correct language patterns all the time through their headsets. The students might be attentive towards the sounds in the lab more careful than the theory classes.

v  Individual headsets provide learners with a psychological privacy. They promote not only speaking ability but also effective learning. It encourages the students to speak so that the mute and shy people including other students get benefit from it. They can practice the sounds according British pronunciation which help them to speak with correct pronunciation. The shy learners can get more benefits from the lab. Students can be supervised individually by the monitor so that their doubts can be clarified easily.  In theory classes, the students usually stop speaking when teacher communicates with an individual learner but in a lab they will continue working without interruption. The students can improve their language skills effectively by listening the material in the lab.

v  The use of Language learning system encourages learner to talk freely and loose their inhibitions when talking in front of their peers. Lab systems tend to make students more anonymous.

v  Since the language lab allows the learner to listen to the program individually, each individual learner’s attention may be focused on the program material being studied. The attention and concentration to students by lab make them to learn more things in the lab.

v  The students can test their voice by producing the sounds. The testing will make the students to speak without fear and to bring the students on one path which focus on learning English.

v  The learners have the ability to record their own voices along with the master stimulus. Each learner can be working interactively on different segments within the same program or be working with completely different program material.

v  Using the random pairing/random-grouping feature that all advanced modern language learning systems incorporate, instructors can generate a variety of exercises structured around role-playing. Learners can be grouped together in small numbers and hold conversational practice with each other

v  Since the instructor is not concentrating on producing the next question or drill, he/she can concentrate more on the student responses. The instructor has more time to produce materials and oversee class activities due to the automatic, rather than manually, controlled instructor console features.

v  It gives theoretical as well as practical knowledge to the students.

v  In case there is lack of sufficient instruments in the laboratory, the students can complete the experiment by cooperating with each other.

v  A laboratory is a center of self-discipline.

v  Learning through activity.

v  It helps in providing real knowledge.

v  It develops scientific attitude.

v  It provides opportunity for creative expression in the students.

v  It helps in developing constructive attitude because it allow the students to involve in content.

v  It helps in rectification of errors.

v  It provides opportunity for the students to discuss on various topics.

v  It provides experimentation, criticism and coordination in the laboratory.

v  The task assigned to the students can also be completed in the laboratory.

Demerits: There are three major demerits of language laboratory which are of the followings-:

v  It is an expensive device.

v  No more than 20 students can learn at a time.

v  It is only helpful for the development of speaking skill only.

v  Difficulty in operating.

Role of English Language Teachers in English Language Communication Lab: Some years ago, the role of an English teacher is to teach English lessons and explain the lessons in regional language but in the modern age, English language teachers have expected to play different roles. Though we have had students who are quite experienced with computers, we have also had some students who had seldom used a computer; lacked basic knowledge such as how to operate a mouse or open a folder; and lacked the vocabulary, reading, and listening skills to follow instructions for using the computer. We know that most of the students have the communication problem. Sometimes they do not have adequate language proficiency. Communication and soft skills and ability to learn on their own are very important for those who join the company. Teachers of English have a responsibility to help the students in overcoming their fears about communicating and to assist students in developing more positive perceptions of communication activities. I present here some of the important points to the learners to overcome their communication problems.

1. Try to know about your communication nervousness.

2. Accept your mistakes and if you have fear and nervousness when you are asked to

    speak in front of an audience.

3. Keep the point in your mind that speech anxiety is a natural emotion.

4. Write your mistakes and find out all these where you are committing errors.

5. Take steps to develop your confidence level.

6. Share your communication problems with your teacher.

7. Have an outline plan of your presentation.

8. Take steps to improve your English and your pronunciation.

9. Utilize the lab for your communication improvement.

10. Try to participate in all kinds of topics actively so that you can acquire language.

11. The teacher should identify the areas in which students have     communication problems and training should be individualized.


Conclusion: Language Lab cannot replace a Teacher / Instructor. It provides the application of Information Communication Technology in English language teaching, but instructors have to be updated according to the changing global scenario. The English language teacher is not just a teacher of grammar and sentence structure; he/she is expected to play an active role as a diagnostician, counselor, communication specialist, soft skills trainer.


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