This Chapter Deals with


Meaning of Bilingual Method

Characteristics and principles Bilingual Method


Advantages of Bilingual method

Disadvantages of Bilingual method

Differences between Direct, Bilingual and Grammar cum Translation method


Bilingual Method

“The right method in the hands of only right teachers can help in the attainment of goals”

Introduction: The direct method does not allow the use of mother tongue for learning the target language. But it was felt that sometimes use of mother tongue becomes extremely necessary for learning target language. In Indian scene amongst all the methods of teaching English, Bi-Lingual method is considered as one of the best method. This method was invented by Prof C.J. Dodson of Wales. He claims that this method is very effective in teaching target language because his experiment on pupils yielded desirable results. The child while learning his mother tongue, he tries to understand the situations and forms the concept in his mind. Prof C.J. Dodson believes that it is a waste of time of recreates the situation while teaching the child any foreign language. He remarks that the teaching is learning process is facilitated if only mother tongue equivalent are given to the students.

 Meaning Bilingual Method:  The Bi-Lingual Method is a mid-way between Grammar cum Translation and Direct Method. The bilingual method stands for the use of two languages- i.e. the mother tongue and the target language. In it the mother tongue is used for supporting the learning of the target language. The word bilingual is generally used to refer to any degree of knowledge of two languages by the same individual. We can define Bilingual as – the person who can jump from one language to another language easily and talk fluently about any situation in either the mother tongue or the target language with equal case. In this method mother tongue is used to explain the meaning of words, phrases, idioms, sentences, structures and grammatical rules. In bilingual method of teaching, the use of native languages becomes the media to learn the target language.

Characteristics and principles Bilingual Method: The bilingual method has the following characteristics and principles-:

v  In this method mother tongue is used to explain the meaning of words, structures, idioms, sentences of the target tongue.

v  By using this method, the teacher can save the time on creating situation for explanation.

v  It is distinct from grammar cum translation method.

v  The unit of teaching is sentence.

v  In this method situation is created by giving the mother tongue equivalent of English words.

v  Mother tongue is used in initial stage only.

v  The teacher explains the subject matter with the help of translation.

v  Meticulous practice is done in sentence pattern.

v  It is not used word for word translation.

 Procedures: The following methods are used in this method-:

1.      In preliminary stage imitation of foreign language sentence is done.

2.      Interpretation of basic sentence in foreign language.

3.      Substitution and extension of foreign language.

4.      Independent speaking of sentences of foreign language.

5.      Undo interpretation.

6.      Interpretation of questions.

7.      Foreign language question and answer.

8.      Normal foreign language conversation.

9.      Conversation independently in foreign language.

 The steps involved in Bilingual process are illustrated diagrammatically in the following- :

S = Stimulus Independent variable

I = Intervening variable

R = Response dependent variable


The above mentioned diagram shows that the In first step mother tongue stimulus causes the concept and then the concept divorced from the original stimulus which is then blacked, whilst the concept in tern becomes the new stimulus for the foreign language responses. There is no link in between mother tongue and the foreign language at the time of response is made.


Advantages of Bilingual method: The Bilingual method has the following advantages-:

1.      The time and labor of the teacher is saved because there is no wastage of time in creating situation for explanation.

2.      It does not need trained teachers.

3.      It also stresses speech practice.

4.      Audio visual aids are not necessary for this method.

5.      It suited to all type of students and schools.

6.      It makes use of linguistic habit formed during learning mother tongue.

7.      By using this method students can easily learn more than other method.

8.      Costly training aids are not required in this method.

9.      It ensures correct explanation of the meaning to the students and ambiguity in understanding is altogether eliminated.

10.  It suits perfectly in Indian conditions.

11.  It ensures fluency in foreign language learning.

12.  A lot of practice and drill are given in speaking English.

13.  It helps in developing the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening.

14.  This method is suitable for both rural and urban students.

15.  This method is interesting and effective.

16.  It helps in developing the thinking power.

17.  It ensures in developing the knowledge of the students in both of the language i.e. mother tongue and the target language.

18.  It helps in developing the power of comparison.


Disadvantages of Bilingual method: The Bilingual method has the following disadvantages-:


1.      This method is only useful in junior stage.

2.      Comparison and contrast between the features of two language is unavoidable and causes confusion in the minds of the learner.

3.      There is possibilities of converting this method into Grammar cum Translation method if this method mishandled by the teacher.

4.      Need to be well versed in both of the language.

5.      In this method teachers are active and students are passive listener.

6.      This method ignores various aspects of the language such as regarding writing and grammatical rules.

7.      There are some words which cannot be easy to explain in mother tongue.

8.      Sometimes it becomes very difficult to bring word meanings and child’s experiences together.

9.      It develops undesirable habit of language mix up of thinking and expression in the language.

10.  It creates a bad habit of learning everything by filtering mother tongue may be formed.

11.  It may create jumble due to the use of mother tongue.

12.  Due to the use of mother tongue, it spoils the continuity and fluency in the target language.

13.  It may divert the attention of the learners because the teacher starts using mother tongue in only certain situations.

14.  Grammar aspects of the target language are totally neglected.


Differences between Direct, Bilingual and Grammar cum Translation method


Grammar cum Translation method


Direct Method

Bilingual Method

1.       sIt is a traditional method of teaching.

2.       It is very economical method.

3.       It suits both below and above average teachers.

4.       The use of mother tongue is liberal.

5.       All the aspects of language learning are emphasized.

6.       No need of creating English atmosphere in the class.

7.       It suits both average and below average students.

8.       It does not emphasize pattern practice.

1.    It is the reaction against Translation method.

2.    It is very expensive method.

3.    It suits majority of teachers in our schools.

4.    The use of mother tongue is prohibited in the class room.

5.    It lays more emphasis on the skills of reading and writing.

6.    There is a need of creating English atmosphere.

7.    It suits only brilliant students.

8.    It lays more emphasis on pattern practice.

1.    It is an improvement over the translation as well as direct method.

2.    This method is less costly.

3.    It suits average and below average teachers.

4.    Mother tongue is used in this method.

5.    All the aspects of target language are emphasized.

6.    No need of creating English atmosphere.

7.    It suits to all the students.

8.    It emphasizes on the pattern practice.



Conclusion: Whatever may be its shortcomings Bilingual method of teaching English is certainly superior to translation cum grammar Method and Direct method. In fact it is the best suitable in Indian conditions. it caters to the needs of rural as well as urban schools and is less costly than direct method. Prof. H.N.L. Shastri of C.I.E.F.L Hyderabad has experimented and found that the bilingual method is quite effective and interesting. This method has a social, economic and cultural background which suits to all the Indian students. So this method is still in an experimental stage. One cannot depend only one method for teaching English. The question what should be taught and it should be taught are intimately connected, because if better methods of teaching are devised, it is possible to learn more. Hence we come to the conclusion that the best way to evaluate best method is to see them in action. The methods are meant for us and not we for the methods.



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