CHAPTER: 24


This Chapter Deals with


Meaning of Reading

Definition of Reading

Characteristics of Reading

Objectives of Teaching Reading

Importance of Teaching Reading

Reasons for retardation in reading English

Types of Reading

Loud English Reading

Silent English Reading

Intensive Reading

Extensive Reading

Supplementary Reading

Library Reading

Methods of Teaching Reading

Alphabetical Method

Syllabic Method

Word Method

Phrase Method

Sentence Method

Story Method

Phonic Method

Dr. West Method


Introduction: “Reading is the mind what exercise to the body”. Reading is one of the most important skill in learning a foreign language. Reading is the gateways to the unbounded field of knowledge. Learning to read a foreign language is different from learning to read the mother tongue. The more a person reads, the more knowledgeable he is. The effectiveness of reading skill is truly depends upon the skill of listening and speaking. It is the key to learning and books are the keys to reading. The art of reading is mainly a matter of recognizing written symbols and their appropriate sounds. The skill of listening and speaking is interrelated with the skill of reading and writing. The skill of reading is a decoding process like the skill of listening. The skill of reading consists three important components viz (i) Recognition of the graphic marks, (ii) the correlation of these with formal linguistic elements (iii) the third correlation of these with meaning.

Meaning of Reading: Reading has been defined differently by different writers and scholars. Reading is the process of looking at a written or printed symbol and translating it into appropriate sounds. Reading involves the recognition of important elements of meaning in their essential relation including accuracy and thoughtfulness of comprehension. Reading is such an important activity that many writers and leaders of varying shades have said favorable words about it, some of which are-:

 Definition of Reading

“Reading is a form of experience. It brings us in contact with the minds of the great authors, with the written accounts of their experiences made by them in various fields”

W.S. Gray

“Our main purpose in developing the ability to read among our children is that we wish to put them in possession of the power of gaining pleasure and profit from the printed page”

C.C. Fries

“On the while, perhaps it is the great readers rather than the great writer who are entirely to be envied. They pluck the fruits, and are spared the trouble of reading them”

Alexander Smith

“Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man”


“If we want to form a hobby of reading books and their reading gets interwoven with life and man and books become inseparable and never failing friends”

A.R. Shukla

“When I am reading a book, whether wise or silly, it seems to me to be alive and talking to me to be alive and talking to me”


“People say that life is the thing, but I prefer reading”

Logan Pearsall Smith

“My early and invincible love of reading, I would not exchange for the treasure of India”


“Read the best book first or you may not have a chance to read them at all”



On the account of the above definitions we can conclude the simple meaning of reading is- it is a process whereby one looks at and comprehend.

Characteristics of Reading: The characteristics of reading are as follows-

  • Reading is purposeful
  • It may be oral as well as sound.
  • It is selective.
  • It spread various according to the content and its objectives.
  • It involves complex cognitive skills.
  • It is based on the text.
  • It is based on comprehension.
  • Reading is of many kinds e.g. -: (i) Loud Reading, (ii) Silent Reading, (iii) Extensive Reading, (iv) Intensive Reading, (v) Library Reading and (vi) Supplementary reading.

Objectives of Teaching Reading

The chief objectives of teaching reading are as follows-:

  • To enable the students to read with correct pronunciation, articulation, intonation and rhythm.
  • To read with accuracy and fluency.
  • To enable the pupils to take pleasure and reading.
  • To read with understanding.
  • To enable the students to read with due expression given in the text.
  • To enable them to interpret sentences or paragraphs.
  • To enable them to use ideas gained from reading from other situation.
  • To enable students to read material in English after school life e.g. books, reports, novels, dramas, magazines, newspaper etc.
  • To widen the eye span which means the number of words that our see in one complete movement.
  • To enable the students to read with normal speed.
  • To enable the students to coordinate the functions of the sensory organs-sight, hearing and speaking.
  • To enable the students to enlarge their reading vocabulary which helps them learn more in least time and also to develop the habit of referring dictionary.
  • To enable the students to recreate themselves by the medium of reading.


Importance of Teaching Reading: Reading is one of the most important perception skills in language learning. The skill of reading is helpful for a student to enrich his knowledge and it also helps in developing the skill of expression. Dr. West came to the conclusion that reading should be given the most important place in the total scheme of teaching English as a foreign language. After intensive study on Indian pupils he suggested that reading should be given the key place in the total scheme of teaching English as a foreign language. Teaching reading is important due to the following reasons-:

v  It helps the students to know the correct pronunciation and methods of reading.

v  It helps the students to develop the skill of speech and lecturing.

v  It indicates towards knowing of the language.

v  It helps in gathering information through newspaper, journals and books etc.

v  It is the source of recreation.

v  It is the good source of self-education.

v  Reading is a form of experiences.

v  According to Bacon, “Reading makes a full man”.

v  Gandhi and Trivedi remarks, “In fact, the education of a child imperfect, unless he is equipped with the ability to read, to decode, to interpret and to understand properly the contents of reading material. The intellectual advancement of a child is strictly limited, if he is unable to read”.

v  It gives the learner control over words and patterns which they come across during the process of speaking.

v  It helps in diagnosing the reading difficulties of the students.

v  It helps to utilize the leisure time by reading good literature.

v  It helps the teacher to play individual attention to the pupils to find out their mistakes.

v  It helps in developing the sense of appreciation.

v  It is very helpful in the preliminary stage and also provides self-satisfaction to the pupils.

v  It helps in developing self confidence among the students.


Reasons for retardation in reading English: The child, who starts reading the foreign language, is unfamiliar with the sounds, vocabulary and structures of the foreign language but a child reading his mother tongue do not have much difficulty to face as he already knows the language. He has to only learn written symbols. In India, much retardation is found in reading English among students. The causes of retardation in English reading in India are as given below-:

v  Due to imperfect teacher.

v  Defective text books.

v  There is no place of reading in our examination system.

v  Overcrowded classroom.

v  Reading has not been given a proper place in mother tongue. So, it also fails to receive a proper place in English.

v  There is no clear cut aim about reading in our education.

v  Teachers do not realize the importance of reading.

v  In many schools, Translation cum grammar method is in craze. There is no room for reading in this method.

v  In most of the school time table, there is no library period.

v  The problem of spelling and pronunciation.

v  Due to lack of time.

v  Reading is a difficult exercise which requires a lot of practice.

Types of Reading: There are various types of reading as described below-:

(i)                 Loud English reading.

(ii)               Silent English reading.

(iii)             Intensive English reading.

(iv)             Extensive English reading.

(v)               Supplementary English reading.

(vi)             Library English reading.


Loud English Reading

Loud reading is also known as oral reading. Reading aloud involves looking at the text, understanding it and also expresses it in speech. It is an artistic skill which requires a lot of practice to develop. In loud reading, the pupil is confronted with written sentences that he is required to speak at a normal speed. For this he needs an effective practice of grasping the patterns he is going to read because most of words and phrases may be new for him. The main purpose of reading aloud is not just to understand the text but also to convey the information. Loud reading should be done after two or three months of oral practice of words which are generally found in readers.

Objectives of loud reading: The objectives of loud reading-:

v  To enable the students to read with expression.

v  To enable the students to read with correct pronunciation.

v  To enable the students to read with correct articulation, stress, intonation, and rhythm.

v  To give them practice in oral reading.

v  To prepare them for silent reading.

v  To enable the students to comprehend the meaning of the text.

v  To enable the students to coordinate their sensory organs of seeing, hearing and speaking.

v  To develop a taste of reading.

v  To pave a way to proceed to read for information.

v  To bring the spoken word and printed word into closer relationship.

v  To make the students independent in reading without mistake.

Process of loud reading: The following steps are involved in loud reading-:

Step-1: Model Reading: A model reading by the teacher with correct pronunciation, stress, intonation pattern, punctuation and rhythms etc. the main aim of the model reading is to train the auditory nerves of the students. At the time of model reading students should listen carefully to the teacher.

Step-2: Reading aloud: After model reading the teacher asks the students to read loudly. The teacher pronunciation should be checked after the student’s complete reading. At the time of loud reading by the students speed and accuracy should be emphasized. The teacher may give individual and collective drill whenever and wherever it is required.

Precautions of loud reading: there are some precautions which should be exercised while carrying out the act of loud reading-:

v  The loud reading should be done only after the teacher has given a model reading.

v  The passage for reading should be within comprehension power of the students.

v  Mistake should be checked and corrected by the teacher immediately.

v  Speed should never be emphasized in the beginning.

v  The teacher should check the students’ expression at the time of reading.

v  Special attention should be given to the weak students.

v  Pronunciation drill is essential before loud reading.

v  Emphasis on individual loud reading.

v  At the time of individual loud reading, the teacher should make attentive and concentrate to other students.

v  Passage of loud reading should be based on taught language.

v  The eye span should not be restricted to single words only. The reader should enlarge the eye span and move forward without regression.

v  A group of words and sentences should be read as one unit to give a complete sense of the expression.

v  Meaning of difficult words and phrases should be made clear to the students before asking anybody to read aloud. This will facilitate reading with comprehension.

Advantages of loud reading: The advantages of loud reading are as follows-:

v  Model reading by the teacher helps the students to know the correct pronunciation and method of reading.

v  It helps the students to develop the skill of speech and lecturing.

v  It helps in developing the confidence among the students.

v  It helps in developing the skill of pronunciation.

v  It uses various sense organs of the students.

v  It helps in eradicating the students’ mistake related to pronunciation.

v  Students learn by imitation which is natural method of learning.

v  It develops a sense of appreciation.

v  It is very helpful in preliminary stage and also provides self-satisfaction to the pupils.

Disadvantages of loud reading: The disadvantages of loud reading are as follows-:

v  Oral reading does not provide the right setting for the teaching of reading for profit and pleasure.

v  It gives encouragement to the reader because he does not want to become prominent by reading loud.

v  It obstructs understanding because attention has to be paid to uttering the sounds of hearing them.

v  People generally do not show an interest in hearing what is read out to them.

v  A habitual reader cannot be a fast, efficient and extensive reader.

v  It ignores comprehension and understandings.

v  Mistakes of an individual are not checked.

v  Not fit for public places i.e. library and reading room.

v  Leaders become habitual of loud reading.

v  Just few students benefitted.

v  Loud is not a source of pleasure.

v  Generally the students of a class pay no heed to what they other student is reading aloud.


Silent English Reading 

Silent reading is regarded as one of the most important type of reading. Morrison says, “Loud reading by students should be followed by silent reading”. In the words of Mehta, “We all read faster than we speak and children must be initiated into the silent reading habit as possible”. Silent reading as the name suggest implies reading silently without moving lips. Silent reading is considered to be the best kind of reading as the mind is fully engaged in this act. It is equivalent to teaching students how to study. The main purpose of silent reading is to get profit and pleasure through reading. While doing silent reading the students should concentrate his attention in understanding the subject matter. I fact loud reading is included in silent reading as the mind keeps whispering the words and sounds, only to oneself indeed.

Objectives of silent reading: The objectives of silent reading are as follows-:

v  To enable the students to read without making sounds and moving lips, so that they may not disturb other.

v  To make the students to read with comprehension.

v  To enrich students vocabulary.

v  According to Ryburn, “The aims of silent reading are pleasure and profit, to be able to read for interest and to get information”.

v  To enable the students to read with alleviate, speed and fluency.

v  To create a desired for independent reading.

v  To enable the students to supplement their knowledge by gathering new information.

v  To develop the power of concentration of the reader.

v  To prepare the students for extensive reading.

v  To increase the eye span of readers so that they could absorb as much as possible to avoid any regression.

v  To prepare the students for making a habit of library reading.

Procedure of silent reading: The procedures of silent reading are as follow-:

Step-1: Teacher explains to the students about silent reading and its aims.

Step-2: He asks students to read the passage silently.

Step-3: During the time of silent reading the teacher takes round of the class to check whether the students are whispering or not and he also supervises the posture of the students.

Step-4: At least the teacher should test their understanding or knowledge by asking question on the given subject matter, or by asking them to give the substance of the paragraph they have read in their own words.

Precautions of silent reading: There are certain points which should be kept in mind while asking the students to read silently. The precautions for silent reading are as follows-:

v  The paragraph for reading should not be long.

v  Necessary instruction must be given before silent reading.

v  Comprehension questions must be asked after silent reading.

v  Duration of silent reading should differ according to the matter and the standard of the class.

v  The weak students should be paid more attention.

v  Silent reading should be made meaningful. To make it alive and meaningful, question should be put to the class out of the read passage after silent reading is over.

v  Individual attention should be paid to the students who appear to be careless in concentrating their attention while silent reading goes on.

v  At the early stage, students should not be asked to read silently. It should occur at later stage.

v  Difficult words and phrases should be explained by the teacher before silent reading.

v  Lip movement should be avoided.

v  Only the eyes should move from one group of words to another.

v  Students should be advised to read silently and carefully by which they can understand the subject matter.


Advantages of silent reading: following are the advantages of silent reading-:

v  It saves time and energy.

v  It arouses interest of the learner.

v  It helps the students to understand the subject matter.

v  It develops a habit of self-learning.

v  It helps in concentrating the attention and energy of the students.

v  It helps in avoiding translation into mother tongue while reading, which is common tendency among the beginners.

v  It is useful for higher classes.

v  It helps in developing the skill of library reading.

v  It helps in developing a taste for the reading.

v  It is helpful in gaining fresh information and knowledge.

v  It helps in developing aesthetic sense and a critical outlook among the pupils.

v  The more people read the more intelligent he will become.

v  According to Ryburn, “It enables attention and energy to be concentrated on meaning and so saves a division of attention resulting in a greater assimilation of information”.

Disadvantages of Silent Reading: The following are the disadvantages of silent reading-:

v  It is not suitable for early stage.

v  It does not teach correct pronunciation.

v  It cannot be checked if students are really reading.

v  It is uninteresting.

v  The mistake done by the students during silent reading cannot be corrected.

v  Sometimes students cannot understand some parts of the passage.

Silent reading is an end in itself as it makes possible for us to read wide and intensive. Its benefits are numerous and should not be discouraged looking at its disadvantages.

Intensive Reading

Intensive reading means the detailed study of the prescribed prose text. Its aim is the study of sentence structure assimilating of language and getting information. Here the reader is concerned with getting the overall meaning or ideas of the passage. In this type of reading the role of the teacher is very important because students learn to read carefully with concentration to extract the main ideas. Attention is also paid to the logical development of ideas and style in writing. In intensive reading subject matter is an important aspect which needs a careful selection. Nonsense topic should not be included for reading. According to Jesperson, “To keep them occupied with the text repeatedly in such a way they do not lose sight of the meaning, so that they may thus become so familiar with it at last that know it almost or entirely by heart, without having been directly required to commit it to memory”.

Objectives of Intensive Reading: The following are the objectives of Intensive Reading-:

v  To enable the students to speak, write and to understand English language correctly.

v  To help them to improve and extend their knowledge and command over English.

v  To help them in correct pronunciation, intonation, expression and modulation of voice.

v  To give them opportunities to use language without fear and to develop in them the habit of thinking in English.

v  To create and foster in them a taste for the study of English and to enrich their vocabulary.

v  To help them in extract concentration upon the language.

v  To help the students to develop the faculty of thinking in the language.

v  To encourage the students to gather information from the text.

v  To help them in increasing active vocabulary.

v  To be occupied with the text repeatedly in such a way that they may thus, become so familiar with it at last that they know it almost or entirely by heart without having been identify required to commit it to memory.

Procedure of Intensive Reading: The following are the procedures of Intensive Reading-:

Step-1: Selection of the topic.

Step-2: selection of the suitable material aid.

Step-3: interaction of the topic with the help of Previous Knowledge Testing.

Step-4: Statement of the aim.

Step-5: Model reading by the teacher.

Step-6: Pronunciation and drill.

Step-7: Reading aloud by the students.

Step-8: interpretation of difficult words.

Step-9: comprehension question should ask based on the topic.

Step-10: Blackboard summary.

Step-11: The teacher may ask the students to copy the words and meanings, and vocabulary questions from the black board.

Step-12: Recapitulation questions asked by the teacher.

Step-13: assignment based on this topic should be given to the students.

Advantages of Intensive Reading: The following are the advantages of Intensive Reading-:

v  It increases the active vocabulary of the students.

v  It helps in learning the grammar aspects of the language.

v  It explains the meaning of the text.

v  It improves the power of expression.

v  It is the most effective method of teaching the subject matter.

v  It forms the reading habits.

v  It improves the speech ability.

v  It develops the habit thinking in English.

v  It helps in reading with comprehension.

Disadvantages of Intensive Reading: The following are the disadvantages of Intensive Reading:

v  It fails to teach grammar systematically.

v  It lays too much emphasis on anatomy of the language.

v  The procedure is long and tedious.

v  It does not help in pronunciation.

v  It does not help in the formation of active vocabulary.

v  It kills the pupil’s appreciation for literature.

v  It does not provide joy and interest to the pupils.

v  Students do it mainly to get through the examination.

Despite the demerits of intensive reading, it covers most part of the lesson plan, detailed study has its place in the teaching of a language. But it must be kept to the place which is by the side of a very wide course of extensive reading. We can conclude that extensive reading is an important aspect of learning a language. But it should come after the students’ have gone through extensive reading. Only then it can be beneficial and joyful.

Extensive Reading

Extensive reading is also known as rapid reading or extensive silent reading. It involves reading in quantity without bothering to check every words or structures. The main purpose of extensive reading is to train the learners to find required information or an answer to a question. According to Thompson and Wyatt, “The main purpose of extensive reading is the cultivation of taste for reading and it seeks by encouraging the habit of   visualizing what is read to make reading a form of visual instruction”. And According to Gurrey (1966), “Extensive reading is aimed at finding out facts from the long stream of ideas and information that is being scrutinized in the reading. In order to find out the facts we need where to look and to be able to need quickly through those passages, paragraphs, or pages containing information that warns us that we are on the right track of what we want to know. The primary purpose of extensive reading is to read for information or for pleasure of reading and not for the language study.” The main purpose of extensive reading is to help the students to read independently without the help of the teacher. In this type of reading, students are encouraged to read widely on subjects that interest them. According to Indian Education Commission (1964-1966), “Extensive reading is independent silent reading”.

Aims of extensive reading: The aims of extensive reading are as given below-:

v  To grasp the meaning of the passage as quickly as possible.

v  To increase passive vocabulary.

v  To develop a taste for reading.

v  To develop a habit of silent reading.

v  To promote self-study.

v  To inculcate a habit of reading for pleasure and profit.

v  To understand the subject matter without difficulties.

v  To develop the power of concentration.

v  To help the students to inculcate moral values through the passage.

v  According to O. Jesperson. “The main point is for the pupils to be occupied with text repeatedly in such a way that they do not lose sight of the meaning. So, that they may thus become so familiar with it that at last they know almost or entirely by heart, without having been directly required to commit it to memory”.

v  According to Laurie, “The object is to get the book into the memory as living material which the children can use.

Procedure of Extensive Reading: The following are the procedures of Extensive Reading-:

Step-1: Introduction of the lesson.

Step-2: Explain the difficult part of the passage.

Step-3: Silent reading.

Step-4: Comprehension questions asked by the teacher.

Step-5: Discussion and summarization.

Advantages of Extensive Reading: The following are the advantages of Extensive Reading-

v  It helps in the assimilation of ideas.

v  It gives the whole class busy and active.

v  It increases vocabulary of the students.

v  It prepares the students for independent study.

v  It has high transfer of learning, value since it prepares students for library reading.

v  It paves the path for individual method of study and self-education.

Before we introduce extensive reading, it must be ascertain that the students have acquired sufficient vocabulary for this purpose. In the absence of the adequate stock of vocabulary they are sure to face difficulties in grasping meaning of the words they have not come across to read during their intensive reading. So the students must have done enough intensive reading before assigning them for extensive reading. It should also be ensured that the subject matter meant for extensive reading is not difficult for the students to pick up. It should be interesting to draw the attention of the students.

Supplementary Reading

Supplementary reading quite resembles intensive reading. In this type of reading, extensive reading plays an important role. The function of supplementary reading is to supplement the work of intensive reading. It is generally introduced in the middle stage with one or three supplementary readers. The method of teaching in this type of reading is just like the extensive reading.

Aims of Supplementary Reading: The following are the aims of supplementary Reading-:

v  To create in the pupils the capacity for and the habit of silent reading books for the thoughts and ideas they contain.

v  To supplement the work of intensive reading.

v  To create an interest among the pupils in reading the books.

Precautions of Supplementary Reading: while teaching supplementary reading the following necessary precautions should be taken into consideration-:

v  The teachers should not teach the supplementary reader like detailed text.

v  One period in a weak should be provided for supplementary reading.

v  The supplementary reader must be written within the vocabulary and structures of the next lower classes.

v  The teacher should tell his pupils the outline of the subject matter for supplementary reading.

v  The subject matter of the text book should be suit the mental level of the students.

v  The subject matter in the text should be adequate as it can satisfy the needs of the students.

v  It should satisfy the curiosity of the pupils.

v   The subject matter should be related to Indian tradition, culture and issues.

v  The subject matter should be variety for supplementary reading.

v  The language style should be according to the mental level and age of the students.

v  The text book selected for supplementary reading must have appropriate illustration.

v  The text book must contain enough exercise for pupils use.

v  The lesson should not be to length as it may be the cause of boredom and disinterest.

v  The technical aspect of the book such as printing, binding, size and the title cover should be appropriate as it may helpful in drawing the attention of the students.

Advantages of Supplementary Reading: The following are the advantages of supplementary Reading-:

v  It helps in developing the habit of reading.

v  A supplementary reading contains simple language. Therefore, it is easily understand by the students without taxing their mind.

v  The word and phrases occurring in the text book occur again in the supplementary reader. In this way they become firmly established in the minds of the pupils.

Library Reading

Library reading encourage extensive reading. However, it does not involve the supervision of the teacher as it done in extensive reading. It is basically done for enjoyment and to get more information. Library reading can be introduced regularly in the time table of the school. Under it, the students can be distributed books from the library. Independent library reading is also helpful for the learner in preparing for the examination. The interest of the students towards library reading can be aroused if the teacher poses an interesting question to the students and tells that its answer can be found in such and such books available in the library. Library reading is also similar to supplementary reading but it is differs from it as it is not done in set lesson nor it is done in formal classroom situation.

Methods of Teaching Reading: There are various methods which can be used for effective teaching reading. The chief methods of teaching English reading are as follows-:

(i)                 Alphabetical Method.

(ii)               Syllabic Method.

(iii)             Word Method.

(iv)             Phrase Method.

(v)               Sentence Method.

(vi)             Story Method.

(vii)           Phonic Method.

(viii)         Dr. West Method


Alphabetical Method: This method is known as ABC or spelling method. It is in vogue in many countries of the world. It is one of the oldest methods of teaching reading. It was invented by Romans and Greeks. It was believed that familiarity with the forms and names of letters helped the pupils to recognize and pronounce the words.        

Procedures of Alphabetic Method: Following steps are considered in alphabetic method

Step-1: The child is first asked to identify and learn the names of the letters of alphabets.

Step-2: The child is asked to repeat the alphabets from A –Z regularly till he memorize by heart.

Step-3: In this step the child is asked to combine two or more letters to form a word.

Step-4: Then the pupils are asked to combine the words into phrases and then into sentences.

Step-5: Reading passages.

Advantages of Alphabetic Method: Followings are the advantages of Alphabetic Methods

(i)                 It gives opportunity for correctly recognizing the written words.

(ii)               It enables the child to build of a visual image of words without which correct spelling is impossible.

Disadvantages of Alphabetic Method: Followings are the disadvantages of Alphabetic Methods

(i)                 This method is difficult, long and tedious.

(ii)               It develops the habit of cramming among the students.

(iii)             It hardly commands the interest of the students.

(iv)             It neglects understanding, perceptual, and conceptual learning.

(v)               It is time consuming method.

(vi)             Though it might be suitable for teaching a language whose letters of alphabets represent all sounds in the language but it is not useful in English where there are 26 letters representing almost 45 sounds.

(vii)           It keeps the child busy with the basic parts of the sentences and text.

(viii)         It is not helpful in fulfilling the objectives of reading.

 Syllabic Method: It is a complicated method in which syllabus are considered as unit of words instead of letters of alphabets. The syllabus are taught directly and combined to form various words and sentences. It covers all sounds of words as they are pronounced correctly. However as the syllable structure of English is complex, it is hard for the students to realize it, especially in their delicate age of lower levels. In fact, ascribing meaning to the meaningless syllables is a difficult job.                                           

Procedure: There are two procedure of syllabic method of teaching reading are as follows-:

Step-1: Syllabus are introduced and learned by the pupils.                                   

Step-2: Syllabus is combined together to form words and sentences.

Advantages of Syllabic Method

Syllabic method is more helpful than alphabetic method.  This method is helpful in consonant sounds accurately when they are combined with vowels.

Disadvantages of Syllabic Method

(i)                 This method puts heavy loads on the learner’s memory.

(ii)               It is not suitable for teaching English.

(iii)             This method is hard to understand.

(iv)             This method is very complex. 

Word Method: This method is known by Global method, Look and Say Method.  This method is useful because the word is the unit of meaning and thought, having its own peculiar and different spelling makes a different word. In this method, the word is presented as a compact unit by a number of methods, such as in the book or by the use of teaching aids.  In this method the teacher can take the use of various teaching aids.

Procedure: There are certain procedures of word method of teaching reading are as follows-:

Step-1: Words are presented with the help of audio visual aids.                                    

Step-2: The Readers are given oral drill a number of times.

Step-3: After teaching words, sentences are introduced by joining the individual words.

Step-4: Reading practice should be done by reading books.

Advantages of Word Method: The followings are the advantages of word method-:

(i)                 It is an easiest method for developing reading ability.

(ii)               Word is the unit of teaching. Therefore, it facilitates oral work.

(iii)             It is an interesting method because of the use of audio visual aids.

(iv)    It proceeds from Simple to complex, Known to unknown, and concrete to abstract.

(v)               It is economical because it ensures rapid progress in reading.

(vi)              It is one and only rational method.

Disadvantages of Word Method: The followings are the disadvantages of word method-:

(i)                 It ignores spelling.

(ii)               It develops the habit of guessing among the students.

(iii)             Individual words sometimes do not give proper meanings.

(iv)             All words cannot be taught by showing pictures.

(v)      It puts a strain on the child’s memory because the pupil has to remember symbols for each and every word for the English language.

(vi)              It has all the demerits of direct method. 

Phrase Method: This method is the mid-way between word method and sentence method. It is based on assumptions that phrases are more important than words. In this method, a phrase is often written on the black board as a new unit to be learned. The pupil repeats it for several times and is compared with previously learned phrases.

Procedure: There are certain procedures of Phrase method of teaching reading are as follows-:

Step-1: Preparation a list of phrases.

Step-2: Then it should be taught with the help of black board and the students are asked to look at the phrase attentively.

Step-3: The teacher read the phrase and the pupils are asked to repeat it for several times.

Step-4: New phrases are compared with the phrases which are already taught.

Advantages of Phrase Method: The followings are the advantages of Phrase method-:

(i)     This method is helpful in extending eye span.

(ii)   Rapid growth in reading is possible.

(iii)  Phrases are presented with interesting teaching materials aids.

Disadvantages of Word Method: The followings are the disadvantages of Phrase method-:

(i)     Emphasis is laid on meaning rather than reading.

(ii)   It is an uneconomical method of word mastery. 

Sentence Method: According to W.M. Ryburn, “This method considered a sentence as a unit of teaching”. A sentence is uttered as a single unit. Hence, it is taken as a unit under this method. The unit of teaching is sentence not word. It is based on the following assumptions.

Assumptions of the Sentence Method

(i) A sentence is the unit of speech.

(ii) A sentence conveys a complete meaning.

(iii) A sentence has a distinctive total sounds.

(iv) The true unit of thought is a sentence not a word.

Procedure of the Sentence Method: There are certain procedures which can be followed in sentence method-:

Step-1: A sentence is selected and taught to the students in the conversational way. The sentence is selected according to the situation.

Step-2: the teacher shows the pictures with the sentence printed below it.

Step-3: The teacher read the sentence loudly and gives times to the students to recognize the sentence.

Step-4:T the teacher writes the sentence on the black board and reads loudly and gives further time to the students to recognize the sentence.

Step-5: The teacher asks the students to read the sentence again and again.

Step-6: The teacher reads the phrases, if any contained in the sentence and ask the pupils do so.

Step-7: the teacher reads the individual words of the sentence and pupils are asked to read them.

Step-8: the teacher reads the word separately and then their spellings and students are asked to do so.

Step-9: the teacher provides many exercises of reading, such as recognizing words in a sentence and jumbled words of a sentence etc.

Step-10: The teacher helps the students to recognize of spelling letter by letter; for example- m-o-b-i-l-e, a-p-p-l-e, etc.

Step-11: The teacher may use verbal games to draw the attention of the students.



Advantages of sentence method: The advantages of sentence method are as follows-:

(i)                 This method is based on the psychological principles.

(ii)               This method is natural because the unit of speech is sentence.

(iii)             It helps in developing the speech as it is the the important aspect of language teaching.

(iv)             It is a complete method in itself.

(v)               A sentence read in the context, symbolizes continuity of meaning.

(vi)             It follows the Gestalt psychology advancing to begin from the whole.

(vii)            It expands the eye span of the students.

(viii)         It helps the students to make a habit of self-education.

(ix)             It has opportunities to make use of visual method.

(x)               It lays the foundation of all the attitudes and skills required for good reading.

Disadvantages of sentence method: The disadvantages of sentence method are as follows-:

(i)                 It may not suitable for the students of lower classes.

(ii)               As the students are directly thrown in an unidentifiable arena their reading habit may be impaired.

(iii)              It required properly graded books which are in short supply in the Indian context.

(iv)             This method is economical.

(v)               Properly trained teacher are required.

(vi)             It demands more time to hard-pressed a teacher in view of the extensive curriculum.


Story Method: Further development of the sentence method, the unit of teaching a story. In this method, there are a number of sentence are joining to form a sentence. Sentence method, word method, phrase methods are also included in it. It is based on the assumptions that the students have natural inclination for stories and they take interest in them.

Procedure of the story method: The following steps which can be taken care in story method-:

Step-1: The teacher tells a story in its impact form.

Step-2: The teacher discusses the events of the story as they occur in it.

Step-3: The teacher writes the story on the black board and reads it. The students recognize the individual sentences. It is both interesting and easy for them as they already know the story. The procedure is followed until the students are familiar with the sentences.

Step-4: The teacher analysis the phrases and words one by one.

Advantages of the story method: The following advantages of story method are as given below-:

(i)                 It is an interesting method.

(ii)               The use of audio visual aids makes the learning easy.

(iii)             It helps in giving complete unit of thought.

(iv)              It helps in drawing the attention of the students.

(v)                It creates a healthy classroom climate.

Disadvantages of the story method: The following are the disadvantages of story method -:

(i)                 The students may be hard-pressed to memorize the events of the story.

(ii)               They become prone to guessing.

(iii)             Least attention is paid to the recognition of individual words.

(iv)              Reading in its scientific form is mostly ignored.

Phonic Method: The phonic method is also known as the phonetic method. It is based on the phonology and often used along with the Alphabetic method. It is based on the principles that reading should be taught through sounds. Thus, in this method “sound of letters” is the unit of teaching. In this method the sounds are taught first, going up to syllables and words and lastly the teacher venture in the realm of sentence.

Procedure of phonic Method: The procedures of Phonic method are as follows-:

  • The teacher acquaints the students with the sounds of the letters beginning from a,b,c and so on until he has reached the last. 
  • He then acquaints the sound by combining consonants with vowels, such as ba, be, bi, bo, bu and so on.
  • The next step in the series is to acquaint the students with words beginning with three letter words, five letter words and so on.
  • He continues this method in teaching of phrases and sentences beginning with two word phrases, three word phrases, and four word phrases etc.

Advantages of phonic Method: The advantages of Phonic method are as follows-:

(i)                 It is economical.

(ii)               This method is easy.

(iii)             This method follows the scientific principles of the language.

(iv)             It is logical.

(v)               It gives a good knowledge of sounds.

(vi)             It helps in developing the skill of pronunciation

Disadvantages of phonic Method: The disadvantages of Phonic method are as follows-:

(i)                 Attention is fixed on recognition of words, and its meaning is neglected.

(ii)               Confusion is caused among students about the words which are exactly similar or similar to a great extent such as rote, rot etc.

(iii)             It does not encourage reading in the students.

(iv)             It emphasis on the phonetic aspects of the language only.

(v)               It gives practice of a particular sound to the students.

(vi)             Trained teachers are not available for this method.

(vii)           It causes a confusion in the words having the same sound but different in spelling. 

Dr. West Method: Dr. West presented his method as a medium of communication among the people of the world. He described those people who do not study it as self-centered and narrow minded. He pointed out the imitation of Indian languages which cannot meet the requirement of the interaction with the people of the other countries. He also brought to mind various qualities of English. As against the direct method which advocates speech is method lays emphasis on the ability to read. He says that the Indian children should develop the ability to read. A child listens first, and then he understand and speak. Dr. West said, “ The bilingual child does not much need to speak his second language (English) but rather to read it”. While emphasizing silent reading, Dr. West recommended that it should be started only after preliminary instruction in oral reading as preparatory to silent reading as it involves inner speech and correcting pronunciation. He favoured reading books in solitude with the arousal of interest and pleasure, and to recreate answer without the direct help of the teacher. He recommended new kinds of readers and rapid readers, duly graded according to the level of the students.

Advantages of Dr. West Method: The advantages of Dr. West method are as follows-:

  • By this method the students are encouraged for self-study.
  • It helps in reading with comprehension.
  • It helps the students in developing the skills of speaking and writing.
  • The students have not to confront the most complicated phonetic aspect of the English language.
  • Students are not burdened with grammatical complication.
  • It is an economical method in both time and money.
  • It facilitate library reading which will help them in concerning their own subject.

Disadvantages of Dr. West Method: The disadvantages of Dr. West method are as follows-:

  • This method does not follow the psychological principles.
  • In this method speech is incomplete, imperfect and inefficient.
  • Reading cannot be distinguished or moved away from speaking, writing, listening and understanding.
  • It cannot help in correct pronunciation.

Causes of retardation in Reading: The various reasons for the retardation in Reading English among the Indian students are as follows-:

v  Translation cum grammar method which is popular in the school does not give enough opportunity for reading.

v  Reading is a difficult exercise which required a lot of practice.

v  There is a shortage of good English teachers in India.

v  The importance of reading is not realized by the English teacher.

v  The type of examination conducted by our education system does not encourage the habit of reading.

v  An overcrowded class is one of the main causes of retardation in reading English.

v  A vision problem is also one of the causes of retardation in reading.

v  The text boobs used in schools are not selected and graded for the purpose of reading.

v  Faulty reading habits among the Indian students.

v  Indian English is totally affected by the local cultures.

Suggestions for making teaching Reading effective: Some of the suggestions to be followed for making the teaching of reading effective are as follows-:

 In the early stage, the pupil should be given to read only those words which is familiar with.

v  The teacher should use various material aids for teaching reading.

v  There should be library facility in the school.

v  The teacher should himself be well versed in English language himself.

v  Reading posture of the students should be checked.

v  The teacher should tackle the linguistic principles of the language.

v  Reading competition should be organized from time to time.

v  Reading competency should be assessing occasionally.

v  The teacher should encourage the students to read by organizing story competition in the class.

v  A library period should be allotted in timetable to inculcate the habit of reading.

v  Reading should never be started with the textbook. It should always start from blackboard or with the help of other material aids.

v  English reading should start when the child can learn his own mother tongue.

v  Proper reading atmosphere should be created.

v  For diagnosing and curing the physical defects that are work eye sight, medical checkup should be done.

v  Language games should be arranged by the teachers.

v   Psychological difficulties such as shy nature, nervous of the student should be solved by the teacher.

v  Subject matter should be well planned before reading.

Conclusion: Reading is one of the important aspects of teaching. It is one of the foremost duties of a teacher, teaching English to indoctrinate good reading habit in his pupils. Retardation in the habit of reading is serves problem today, because of the changing socio-economic priorities in our society. But the fact remains that if a student cannot read properly, he cannot do well in any sphere of knowledge. He will be handicapped in all the ways and his progress will be blocked. If, in our students we can build up good reading habits that would be the hallmark of a very successful teaching programme.


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